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Workflow Configuration refers to different settings/options applied to a workflow timestamp with the purpose of preparing the workflow for execution in Portal. 

Workflow Details

In the Workflow Details tab there can be found information like the workflow's name, type, display name, workflow ID, timestamp ID, description, check-in comment, version, timestamp, windows execution group and icon.  

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Extra settings are available to customize the workflow's execution, as seen below:

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IMPORTANT: The only setting available for snippet workflows is the Is Active setting (Because there can exist multiple timestamps or versions of the same snippet workflow, the user must make active the snippet workflow timestamp that will be triggered during the execution of the linked workflows).


The Test Mode, when set to ON, allows the user to configure for each workflow timestamp a test mode scenario where workflow’s activities can be disabled individually or by type and save for execution in Portal. In order to configure the test mode scenario, click on CONFIGURE TEST MODE button to disable activities from the workflow’s logic. Activities can be enabled/disabled individually using Individual configuration tab or by type using Global configuration tab: 

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 After executing a workflow in Test Mode, in Administrator→ Reporting→ Execution Logs page, the workflow Tracking Data will log the execution of the workflow in test mode. If the test mode is enabled the workflow’s configuration is also visible in checkout mode in Flowster Designer. After executing a workflow in Flowster Designer, the Tracking Data will display the execution of the workflow in test mode:

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The Is Schedule Disabled will show or hide the Scheduler options in Portal. If set to ON, then the user will be able to schedule (repetitive or once, dependent on the selected option) a workflow. If the setting is OFF, then the Start Workflow window will hide the scheduling fields.


  • at Import: if the workflow contains at least one of the following activities: Approval, Approve with Values, Wait for More Input
  • at Check-in: if the workflow contains at least one of the following activities: Approval, Approve with Values, Wait for More Input.


For more information about Workflow Parameters, please visit 5.2 Workflow Parameters page. 

User assignments

This setting allows only selected users to view the workflow in Portal (super admins and administrators with permissions defined on the parent workflow's category, are automatically permitted the view of workflows in Portal). Select a workflow timestamp and go to the User assignments tab:

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Click the Edit Rights button to check the desired users or groups. When finished, click Save button.

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IMPORTANT: This tab is invisible for snippet workflows 


Assigning scripts to a timestamp requires for at least one script to be created prior to linking it to the workflow timestamp.

This action can be done by selecting the workflow timestamp, going to the Scripts tab and adding the available scripts by selecting a script's version and clicking on the Add button:

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After scripts have been assigned to the workflow, they will be included in the execution of the workflow using PSScript or SSH activities, depending on the scripts type. All the added scripts will be executed in the order in which they appear in Scripts tab.

 If you want to delete a script assignment from a workflow timestamp, select it from the added scripts list and click on Delete button.

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The Preview tab page will display a screenshot of the workflow’s design:

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The image is created during the Check-Out / Check-In process, for each checked in timestamp and it will be included in the Workflow and Category export processes.

Workflow Form Configuration

The Workflow Form Configuration allows the user to customize the Start Workflow form in Portal for a workflow timestamp:

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The Visible ViewAllUsers and Visible Fallback settings refer to scheduling options and the Visible Comment setting refers to the Comments field in the Start Workflow form. If set to On, the fields will be visible in Start Workflow form, otherwise they will be hidden. 

IMPORTANT: This tab is invisible for snippet workflows

Linked Workflows

This tab is only visible for snippet workflows that have at least one workflow active with links to the snippet workflow. This tab is not editable, it's solely informative. 

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Broken Link To Snippets

Linking a workflow to a snippet workflow, requires that at least one Start Snippet Workflow activity is used in the workflow. The link to a snippet workflow is done in the workflow's source file (xaml file), based on the snippet workflow timestamp ID and display name.

Broken Link To Snippets tab becomes visible only when the workflow is active and has broken link to snippets, this translates into a mismatch between the snippet's timestamp ID from the workflow's source file and the snippet's timestamp ID in the Workflows panel. Usually this is caused when the structure of workflows and/or snippets are imported on a different environment or a new installation of Flowster Studio, thus new timestamp IDs are provided after the import of the workflows and snippet. As a consequence, all Start Snippet Workflow activities from workflows, will NOT have the preselected snippet in the Snippet parameter. 

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Recover Broken Links To Snippets 


For the affected timestamps, a new tab will become visible in the Workflow details section, Broken Links To Snippets tab where the user can recover the broken links by selecting for each Start Snippet Workflow activity in the Selected workflow details panel (the Activity column lists all activities with the display name used in workflow and the Selected Snippet Name provides the filename of the snippet),  the imported snippet from the Select the snippet to be set list:

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CAUTION: snippet workflows must be active in order to be listed in the Select the snippet to be set