The The Home page is split into two main panels: the Workflows panel which contains a list of categories/sub-categories and workflows and the Details panel:
The categories list will contain all the categories and sub-categories that have been defined. Each category or sub-category name is preceded by an expansion button. In order to expand/collapse all categories, select Expand/Collapse options from Actions menu. Inside Inside the categories tree a workflow is represented by display name, version and timestamp. All information is structured as a tree, in the following order:
- Category name
- Sub-category name (if any defined)
- Workflow display name
- Workflow version
- The timestamp associated to when the workflow was imported
- Another timestamp for another workflow uploaded with the same display name and version etc.
- Another workflow version
- Another timestamp etc.
- Workflow version
- Another workflow display name
- Workflow version
- The timestamp associated to when the workflow was imported
- Another timestamp for another workflow uploaded with the same display name and version etc.
- Another workflow version
- Another timestamp etc.
- Workflow version
- Workflow display name
- Sub-category name (if any defined)
- Another Category name
IMPORTANT: Because Because category/workflow operations are also available in in Flowster Designer, the recommendation would be to always Refresh the the Home page page before performing performing any operations in Workflows panel in in Administrator.