- Before upgrading any Flowster Studio additional installations, make sure the Flowster Studio Main Engine has been upgraded.
- Upgrading Flowster Studio additional components from a version lower than 5.0: Due to the fact that the Windows Installer package only checks for one UpgradeCode when checking for the existence of installed product versions, it will only perform the native upgrade on the Flowster Studio Additional Engine. The additional component installations (which were deployed via their separate installers prior to Flowster Studio 5.0) will have to be uninstalled. The Flowster Studio Setup user interface application will perform these uninstallations automatically, and then proceed with the windows installer upgrade for the Flowster Studio Additional Engine.
- Upgrading Flowster Studio additional components from a version lower than 5.0: In case of a non-UI components upgrade, make sure you only uninstall the Components, and not the Flowster Studio Additional Engine as well. This will be upgraded.
- All Flowster Studio version 5.0 and higher additional components installed on a machine will point to a single tenant. For example, if one decides to install an Execution Agent and WebPortal on a machine, they will both be deployed under the tenant specified in the Features dialog.
- Upgrading Flowster Studio additional components from a version lower than 5.0: Considering Flowster Studio Legacy had separate installers for the additional components, it was permitted to have the components on a singular machines point to different tenants. To support this, the Flowster Studio 5.2 installer will detect which tenant the components on the current machine were attached to (individually) and provide a tenant selection list for each component in the dialogs. The installer UI will also preselect the tenant for each component, based on existing registry data inserted by the old Flowster Installers. An exception is made for the additional Flowster WebApps component, which did not store an endpoint in the database, thus making it impossible to retrieve current-machine-related deployment data. The user will have to enter the WebApps client details and select the proper tenant from the list under the UI, or, if a non-UI installation is performed, provide the exact client and tenant data in the transform file.
- Before continuing, please review the Flowster Studio System Requirements.
Additional note:
- This documentation will simulate a case where the subjected machine had a Flowster Studio 4.8.47 Additional Engine on a two-tenant environment and the components split between tenants (Execution Agent on Tenant #1, Portal and WebApps on Tenant #2). If a situation requires a variation of Flowster Studio components deployment, the user will have to check the exact features that they want deployed. The installer UI dialogs will have the respective features' settings areas enabled/disabled depending on the initial selection. E.g. if one decides to install the Additional Engine, Execution Agent and WebApps, their settings areas will be enabled, whereas the Designer and WebPortal settings areas will be disabled and disregarded during the installation. This will also cause dialogs that have become irrelevant to be skipped.
UAC Enabled
If UAC is enabled on the machine, when starting the EXE, credentials for a privileged user will be required, in order to properly install Flowster Studio.
In order to start the upgrade of the Flowster Studio Additional Engine and/or separate components, run Flowster Studio Setup.exe.
The UI application will detect that a previous version of Flowster Studio exists (for cases where there was a Flowster Studio Engine on the machine) and/or Flowster Studio components and will retrieve the previous settings used for the installation.
The Features dialog opens:
Please note that all features have been selected, in accordance to the notes at the beginning of the subchapter. The Features dialog will reflect the Flowster Studio configuration that is installed on the machine prior to this upgrade. E.g. if a client only had the Flowster Studio Additional Engine and Flowster Studio Execution Agent installed on the machine, the other component features would be unchecked at first.
- Check/uncheck the features you want deployed during this upgrade. Please keep in mind the first two bullets in the notes at the beginning of the chapter.
- Depending on the feature selection, the Attached logging services area will be enabled/disabled (the Designer and WebApps features will not require that information)
- Select the Main RestAPI endpoint info
- Please note the Custom RSAKeys file path (optional). This is required if the Flowster Studio RestAPI uses custom RSA keys for communication. The RSA Keys file can be generated under the Flowster Studio Administrator page.
- Press Get next to the Tenants list. The installer will retrieve all the tenants managed by the provided RestApi service and populate the listbox.
- Select a tenant from the Tenants list. This is required to retrieve the PlatformGuid and Logging Service (located below the list).
- Select the preferred connection to the Logging service:
- Retrieve: will use a direct connection to a Logging service endpoint as it's been stored in the FLOWSTER Studio database. Click Get to retrieve the available Logging services list.
- Manual input: will use a manually input endpoint.
- Select the location where Flowster Studio will be deployed or leave the default one (C:\Program Files\Flowster Solutions\Flowster Studio)
- Click Next. The installer will take several seconds to proceed, as it will retrieve data related to the selected components via the selected RestApi. The Flowster Studio service user dialog will be displayed:
- The LDAP Connection, Domain format for portal authentication and System superadmin areas are disabled, as they're only inserted/updated in the database during a main engine installation.
- The Service user field is prefilled with the identity that's currently executing the installation. Please update it to the identity that will be running the Flowster Studio services (if the prefilled one is incorrect) and provide the Password and Password confirmation.
- Press Next. The Flowster Studio engine settings dialog is displayed (this appears because the extra engine feature was selected):
- Please note that the General Settings, Default tenant language, Centralized repository path, RestAPI client settings and Default Flowster Instance settings areas are disabled, as they're only inserted with a main engine installation.
- The installer suggests default values for services ports. The entries can be changed manually.
- Click Next. For our scenario, the Flowster Studio components settings dialog opens. Generally, this will happen if the Execution Agent or WebPortal features were selected.
- The installer retrieved the Execution Agent and WebPortal information related to the old installations. It is recommended to use these values. If you notice any inconsistencies, please update to the proper/updated values.
- Because the WebPortal component was installed separately from the main engine, the default language for the WebPortal login page will be English.
- Click Next. For our scenario, the Flowster Studio components settings (for WebApps) dialog opens:
- The installer retrieved the WebApps information from the database and it is recommented to use these values. If you notice inconsistencies, update the entries.
- Click Next. The Flowster Studio SSL certificate settings dialog will be displayed:
- Enter/update the SSL settings and click Next. The Ready to install dialog will be displayed.
- Under the Engine selection area, tick the checkbox if the engine selection should be enabled for Designer and Portal logins. Once checked, the Use DNS records for engine server selection will be enabled.
- If the environment is setup as such, check the Use DNS records for engine server selection option and enter the DNS Records address.
- If you only want to generate a transform file for later use, please click Create MST. You will need to click on Cancel afterwards if you want to exit the installer.
- If you want to proceed with the installation, click Install.
- The installer will now start uninstalling the additional Flowster Studio components that were installed beside the Flowster Studio Additional Engine (if the case requires it). If all uninstallations are successful, it will then proceed with the windows installer upgrade of the Flowster Studio package. Otherwise, a message will be displayed, informing you which uninstallations have been successful and which haven't. It is recommended in that case to manually uninstall the trouble-causing components and restart the upgrade.
- A progress dialog will be displayed (windows installer), followed by a Result.
- The installer will create shortcuts for Designer, WebPortal and WebApps on the AllUsers desktop and StartMenu, if the features were selected.