The Centralized Repository Path is set during the installation. Users can change the default path by clicking on Browse button and selecting the new path.
Users can update existing centralized repository files by checking the Update Activity Library descrioptyionexisting centralized repository files button.
The Centralized Repository Path automatically synchronizes with the Execution Agent.
Update Activity Library description
When updating dlls in:
- C:\Program Files\Flowster Solutions\Flowster Studio\ExecutionAgent\Activity Library, users must restart Execution Agent service, in order for the changes to be applied.
- C:\Program Files\Flowster Solutions\Flowster Studio\Designer\Activity Library, users must restart Designer service and check Update the local Activity Library button from Designer Login, in order for the changes to be applied.
Note: The sync checks to see if the dlls in the Centralized Repo Path are newer and only updates the new ones.