- Host (text box editor type): the mailbox host IP.
- Password (password box editor type): the mailbox username's password.
- Password Binding (text box editor type): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster User Portal).
- Port (text box editor type): the mailbox port number.
- Username (text box editor type): the username for mailbox authentication. If left empty, windows session credentials are used.
- Bcc (text box editor type): comma separated email addresses.
- Cc (text box editor type): comma separated email addresses.
- From (text box editor type): the "From" Email Address
- To (text box editor type): the "To" email address
- Host (text box editor type): the mailbox host IP.
- Password (password box editor type): the password of the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster User Portal).
- Port (text box editor type): the mailbox port number.
- Secure (combo box control): False or True.
- Username (text box editor type): the username for mailbox authentication. If left empty, windows session credentials are used.
- Content (text box editor type): the content of the email.
- File Attachment (file browser and text box editor type): the files that will be sent with the email.
- Priority (combo box control): the priority of the message: High, Low or Normal.
- Subject (text box editor type): the email subject.