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The Get Issues activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:

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  • Filter By Assignee (combo text box controleditor type) (type: string): enter the property name by which you want to filter the results (ex: name, sAMAccountName).Filter Value assignee name. E.g. return only the issues assigned to "D00018" assignee. 
  • Max Results (text box editor type) (type: stringInt32): the value (for the 'Filter by' parameter) by which you want to filter the results.Location maximum number of results to returned by this activity (note: Because the type of the editor is Int32, the value is inserted without ""). E.g. 20 value used as input.  
  • Project Filter (text box editor type) (type: string): the Active Directory path from where you want to retrieve the entries.
    Object Class (combo box controlenter the project key where the issues will be searched and returned. Use GetProjects activity to obtain the existing JIRA project keys or input directly the project key value. E.g. "FLOWSTER" for the project key.  
  • Summary (text box editor type) (type: string): choose the class of the entries you want to retrieve.filter returned issues by summary text.

The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:

  • Output Issues (type: collection<collection<string>>): outputs a collection of issues with their properties. 

As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables . Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Get Entries by Filter activity:Image Removed( E.g.JIRAConnection variable for 'Connection' property) or input directly in the property field (E.g "FLOWSTER" value for 'Project Filter' property).


Use the following workflow logic as example to iterate through a variable of type collection<collection<string>>. For more information on how to use Custom ForEach activity please check Workflow link.

  1. Add a CustomForEach activity of type collection<string> to iterate through the main collection of Issues variable of type collection<collection<string>>.
  2. Rename the Iterator to a specific name. E.g. Iterator -> Issue
  3. Add inside the Issues - Properties Collection sequence a new CustomForEach activity of type <string> to iterate through each Issue which is the iterator of the main collection.
  4. Add in the body of the Display Property sequence a logging activity, e.g. LogTrackData to display the string value of the Iterator.


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Get Projects

This activity retrieves a collection of projects for the existing JIRA account.

Activity Parameters

The Get Projects activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:

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The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:

  • Output Projects (type: collection<collection<collection<string>>>collection<collection<string>>):returns  outputs a collection of entries (their paths and attributes).To use the elements of the collection, use Get Element From Collection activity.
  • Output Rows (type: int32)outputs the number of rows retrieved.

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  • issues with their properties. 

As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables ( E.g.JIRAConnection variable for 'Connection' property).


Use the following workflow logic as example to iterate through a variable of type collection<collection<string>>. For more information on how to use Custom ForEach activity please check Workflow link.

  1. Add a CustomForEach activity of type collection<string> to iterate through the main collection of Projects variable of type collection<collection<string>>.
  2. Rename the Iterator to a specific name. E.g. Iterator -> Project
  3. Add inside the Projects - Properties Collection sequence a new CustomForEach activity of type <string> to iterate through each Project which is the iterator of the main collection.
  4. Add in the body of the Display Property sequence a logging activity, e.g. LogTrackData to display the string value of the Iterator.

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