The VM List Controllers activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Controller Type (combo box control) (type: string): the type of the controllers that you wish to be listed.Flowster Studio provides the following options:
- VirtualIDEController
- VirtualLsiLogicSASController
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine (Enter the ID of the virtual machine or bind this parameter with the output parameter from Get VM activity).
- Output (type: value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- bind the obtained VM ID (stored in variable) to the VirtualMachine ID field from VM List Controllers activity:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Output (type: collection>collection<string>>): outputs a collection of sub-collections containing information about Controller Devices.
- Output Controller Keys (type: collection<int32>): outputs a collection of Controller Keys.
In order to extract the values from the ControllerDetails collection, For Each and Get Element From Collection activities should be used:
Execution: The example below is an execution where all controllers are listed for VirtualMachine with ID vm-25:
VM List Virtual CDRoms
This activity lists all the Virtual CDRoms from the specified Virtual Machine.
In order to extract the values from the DeviceDetails VirtualDisksDetails collection, For Each and Get Element From Collection activities should be used:
Execution: The example below is an execution where all virtual disks are listed for VirtualMachine with ID vm-25:
In order to extract the values from the DeviceDetails EthernetDevicesDetails collection, For Each and Get Element From Collection activities should be used:
Execution: The example below is an execution where all virtual disks are listed for VirtualMachine with ID vm-25:
The VM Remove Virtual CDRoms activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Device Key (text box editor type) (type: int32): the unique key that distinguishes this device from other devices in the same virtual machine. Enter the ID or bind it to the output parameter from the
The value can also be obtained from activity: VM Get Virtual CDRom activity.Virtual Machine using the following steps:- use a VM List Virtual CDRoms activity to extract the Virtual Device Name. Iterate through the list of DeviceDetails or use the first virtual CDRom and extract the Name using Get Element From Collection activity and index 1:
- use a VM Get Virtual CDRom and bind the obtained DeviceName (stored in variable) to the Virtual Device Name parameter:
- bind the obtained CDRom_Key (stored in variable) to the Device Key parameter in VM Remove CDRom activity:
- use a VM List Virtual CDRoms activity to extract the Virtual Device Name. Iterate through the list of DeviceDetails or use the first virtual CDRom and extract the Name using Get Element From Collection activity and index 1:
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine from which you want to remove the desired CDRom Device (Enter the ID of the virtual machine or bind this parameter with the output parameter from Get VM activity)..
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- bind the obtained VM ID (stored in variable) to the VirtualMachine ID field from VM Remove Virtual CDRom activity:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide: