The Forward E-mail activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Bcc (text box editor type) (type: string): comma separated email addresses.the "Bcc" email address. For multiple email addresses, separate them with comma (e.g. "mail1@demo.com,mail2@demo.com").
- Body Prefix (text box editor type) (type: string): the prefix that will be prepended to the original message's body when the reply is created.
- CC (text box editor type) (type: string): comma separated email addresses. the "CC" email address. For multiple email addresses, separate them with comma (e.g. "mail1@demo.com,mail2@demo.com").
- ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the ID of the existing e-mail message to forward to. An output from the Get activities can be used as Input (e.g. Get Email).
- To (text box editor type) (type: string): comma separated email addresses.
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Forward E-mail activity:
- the "To email address. For multiple email addresses, separate them with comma (e.g. "mail1@demo.com,mail2@demo.com").
Execution: the activity will send a Forward of the selected e-mail to the given addresses (To, Bcc, CC).
Get Appointments
This activity gets the appointments on the specified Exchange Server.