This activity provides implicit CorrelationHandle management for child messaging activities.
Activity Parameters
The CorrelationScope activity has one parameter and it can be provided by manually inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- CorrelatesWith (text box editor type) (type: CorrelationHandle): Specifies the CorrelationHandle used to manage child messaging activities. If you do not set this property, CorrelationScope creates an implicit CorrelationHandle automatically.
This activity is used to initialize correlations without sending or receiving a message. Typically correlation is initialized when sending or receiving a message. If correlation must be established before a message is sent or received, use InitializeCorrelation to initialize the correlation.
Activity Parameters
The InitializeCorrelation activity has three parameters (including DisplayName) that can be provided by manually inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- CorrelationInitializers (collection editor type) (type: Collection): Specifies the collection of CorrelationInitializer objects that initialize multiple CorrelationHandle objects that configure this Receive activity within the workflow.
- Content (Content Definition window) (type: Custom): Specifies the message or parameter content to receive. It can be either a ReceiveMessageContent activity or a ReceiveParametersContent activity.
- Request (text box editor type) (type: string): Reference to the Send activity paired with this ReceiveReply activity. This property must not be null. Send and ReceiveReply activities are used together on the client to model a request/response messaging pattern. This property specifies which Send activity is paired. In the designer, you cannot edit this property because it is automatically bound to the Send activity from which you created the ReceiveReply activity.
- Action (text box editor type) (type: String): Specifies the action header of the message. If it is not explicitly set, its value defaults to:{service contract namespace}/{service contract name}/{operation name}
The TransactedReceiveScope activity enables you to flow a transaction into server transactions created by a workflow or dispatcher.
Activity Parameters
The TransactedReceiveScope has no parameters to be set other than the DisplayName.