- Clone VApp
- Create VApp
- Get Annotations
- Get Attributes
- Get VApp
- Set Annotation
- Set Description
- Set Field
- VM Answer
- VM Clone
- VM Create
- VM Create Screenshot
- VM Create Secondary
- VM Customize
- VM Defragment All Disks
- VM Deploy
- VM Disable Secondary
- VM Edit
- VM Enable Secondary
- VM Exists
- VM Export
- VM Get
- VM Get Parent
- VM Get Status
- VM Get Storage Usage
- VM List
- VM List All Snapshots
- VM List from Host
- VM List Templates
- VM Mark as Template
- VM Migrate
- VM Mount Tools Installer
- VM Move
- VM Power Off
- VM Power On
- VM Reboot Guest
- VM Refresh Storage Information
- VM Reload
- VM Remove
- VM Remove All Snapshots
- VM Remove Snapshot
- VM Rename
- VM Reset
- VM Reset Guest Information
- VM Revert to Current Snapshot
- VM Revert to the given Snapshot
- VM Set Display Resolution
- VM Shut Down Guest
- VM Standby Guest
- VM Suspend
- VM Take Snapshot
- VM Tools Status
- VM Unmount Tools Installer
- VM Unregister
- VM Upgrade Tools
- VM Upgrade Version
Clone VApp
This activity creates a clone of a VApp.
- Object ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the ID of the Object for which you want to retrieve the annotations (MoRef).
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- bind the obtained VM ID (stored in variable) to the VirtualMachine ID field from Get Annotations activity:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Object Type (combo box control) (type: string): the type of the Object. Flowster Studio provides the following options:
- VirtualMachine
- Folder
- Resource Pool
- VMHost
- Cluster
- Datacenter
- Selected Annotation (text box editor type) (type: string): enter an annotation. E.g "DemoAnno".
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
In order to extract the values from the OutputAnnotations collection, For Each and Get Element From Collection activities should be used:
Execution: The example below is an execution where all annotation are returned for object of type VirtualMachine with ID vm-25:
Get Attributes
This activity retrieves a list of all the Attributes of the specified object (Virtual machine, Folder, ..).
- Attributes to be Retrieved (text box editor type) (type: string): a list of comma separated attributes you want to retrieve (example: "name,config").
- Object ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the ID of the Object for which you want to retrieve the Attributes.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- bind the obtained VM ID (stored in variable) to the VirtualMachine ID field from Get Attributes activity:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Object Type (combo box control) (type: string): the type of the Object. Flowster Studio provides the following options:
- VirtualMachine
- Folder
- Resource Pool
- VMHost
- Cluster
- Datacenter
- Selected Attribute (text box editor type) (type: string): the attribute to be retrieved (example: "config").
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Output (type: collection<collection<string>>): outputs a collection of Attributes (name and value).To use the elements of the collection, use Get Element From Collection activity where the Input Collection parameter should be bound to this parameter.
- Output Attribute (type: string): outputs selected attribute value.
- Output Rows Count (type: int32): outputs Rows Count.
In order to extract the values from the OutputAttributes collection, For Each and Get Element From Collection activities should be used:
- Cluster Name (text box editor type) (type: string): the name of the cluster where the vApp is stored.
- Datacenter Name (text box editor type) (type: string): the name of the datacenter where the vApp is located.
- Path (text box editor type) (type: string): the path where the desired vApp is. E.g "vAppRoot/vAppChild".
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
Execution: The example below is an execution where a new description is set for object of type VirtualMachine with ID vm-25:
Set Field
This activity sets value of specified field of selected object(Virtual machine, ..).
- Field Key (text box editor type) (type: string): the key (int value) of field you want to set.
- Field Value (text box editor type) (type: string): the new value for the field.
- Object ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the ID of the Object for which the Field value is to be edited.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Object Type (combo box control) (type: string): the type of the Object. Flowster Studio provides the following options:
- VirtualMachine
- Folder
- Resource Pool
- VMHost
- Cluster
- Datacenter
- Object Type (combo box control) (type: string): the type of the Object (Folder, VirtualMachine, ..).
Execution: The example below is an execution where a new value is set for field with key 1 for object of type VirtualMachine with ID vm-25:
- Answer Choice (text box editor type) (type: string): the answer choice. E.g "1" to select the first answer choice set for the specified VM.
- Question ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the question ID for which the answer is needed. E.g. "12" is the question ID set for the specified VM.
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine ID.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
VM Clone
This activity clones a virtual machine from a specified virtual machine on Host.
- Output VM ID (type: string): outputs the new virtual machine ID.
Execution: The example below is an execution where a new vm is cloned after DemoWin7 virtual machine:
- Output (type: string): outputs the new virtual machine ID.
Execution: The example below is an execution where a new vm is created with given specifications:
VM Create Screenshot
This activity creates a screenshot of the specified virtual machine.
Activity Parameters
The VM Create Screenshot activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to create screenshot.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
VM Create Secondary
This activity creates secondary virtual machine for the specified virtual machine.
Activity Parameters
The VM Create Secondary activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Host (text box editor type) (type: string): the name of the host.
- Host ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the ID of the host. If you enter a value for this parameter, the 'Host' parameter is ignored.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get Host using the following steps:- use a Get Host activity to extract the HostID:
- bind the obtained HostID (stored in variable) to the HostID field from VM Create Secondary activity:
- use a Get Host activity to extract the HostID:
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to create secondary virtual machine.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
VM Customize
This activity customize a virtual machine using a designated script.
Activity Parameters
The VM Customize activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Customization Spec (text box editor type) (type: string): the customization spec that will be used to customize the virtual machine.
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to customize.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Output (type: string): outputs the result message from the editing action.
VM Defragment All Disks
This activity defragments all disks of the specified virtual machine.
Activity Parameters
The VM Defragment All Disks activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Virtual Device Name (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to have all disks defragmented.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
VM Deploy
This activity deploys a new VM from an existing template.
- Host ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the ID of the host. If you enter a value for this parameter, the 'Host IP' parameter is ignored.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get Host using the following steps:- use a Get Host activity to extract the HostID:
- bind the obtained HostID (stored in variable) to the HostID field from VM Disable Secondary activity:
- use a Get Host activity to extract the HostID:
- Host Name (text box editor type) (type: string): the name of the host.
- S Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the secondary virtual machine you want to disable. This field must specify a secondary virtual machine that is part of the fault tolerant group that this virtual machine is currently associated with. It can only be invoked from the primary virtual machine in the group.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to make the call to disable the secondary virtual machine.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
VM Edit
This activity edits the specified virtual machine.
- Output (type: string): outputs 'true' if the specified VM exists, otherwise 'false'.
Execution: The example below is an execution where True is returned for virtual machine with ID: vm-25:
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to export. E.g "vm-100".
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Destination Folder Path (text box editor type) (type: string): the path of the folder where you wish to export the VM.
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Output Devices Path (type: list<string>): outputs all the path to the devices found for the specified VM.
- Output OVF Path (type: string): outputs the path to the OVF file.
Use the following workflow logic as example to iterate through the elements of the list. For more information on how to use Custom ForEach activity please check Workflow link. At the end of the sequence, LogTrackData activity is used to display OutputOVFPath value.
VM Get
This activity gets and returns the specified virtual machine.
- Output (type: string): outputs the resulting VM ID. If the VM is not found, value is empty.
Execution: The example below is an execution where the ID for DemoWin7 virtual machine:
VM Get Parent
This activity gets and returns the specified virtual machine's parents.
- Output Cluster ID(type: string): outputs the ID of the vm's parent cluster. If the VM has no cluster parent, value is empty.
- Output FullPath(type: string): outputs the FullPath of the parent folder.
- Output Host ID(type: string): outputs the ID of the vm's parent host.
- Output Parent Folder ID(type: string): outputs the ID of the vm's parent folder. If the VM has no folder parent, value is empty.
Execution: The example below is an execution where the parents IDs for DemoWin7 virtual machine are returned:
VM Get Status
This activity retrieves the state and other related information about a virtual machine.
In order to extract the values from the OutputStatus collection, For Each and Log Track Data activities should be used:
Execution: The example below is an execution where the status details for DemoWin7 virtual machine are returned:
VM Get Storage Usage
This activity retrieves a subset of the storage information of this virtual machine.
Activity Parameters
The VM Get Storage Usage activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- VirtualMachine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the ID of the Virtual Machine for which you want to retrieve the storage usage information.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Output Commited (type: string): outputs the total storage space, commited to the VM across all datastores.
- Output Uncommited (type: string): outputs the additional storage space, potentially used by the VM across all datastores.
- Output Unshared (type: string): outputs the total storage space occupied by the VM across all datastores that is not shared with any other VM.
Execution: The example below is an execution where the storage usage for DemoWin7 virtual machine is returned:
VM List
This activity lists all virtual machines from the specified location.
- Output (type: collection<collection<string>>): outputs a collection of VMs and their IDs.To use the elements of the collection, use Get Element From Collection activity where the Input Collection parameter should be bind with this parameter.
- Output Rows Count (type: int32): outputs Rows Count.
- Output Rows Count (type: string): outputs the ID of the VM specified in the VM Name field. This value will be displayed at the beginning of the Tracking Data, before the rest of the results.
Execution: the activity can be executed in two (2) different ways:
In order to extract the values from the OutputVMsList collection, For Each and Log Track Data activities should be used:
VM List All Snapshots
This activity lists all the existing Snapshots from the existing virtual machine.
- Output (type: collection<string>): outputs a collection of Snapshots .To use the elements of the collection, use Get Element From Collection activity where the Input Collection parameter should be bound to this parameter.
In order to extract the values from the OutputSnapshots collection, For Each and Log Track Data activities should be used:
Execution: The example below is an execution where snapshots are listed for virtual machine with ID vm-25:
VM List from Host
This activity lists all virtual machines on a specified Host.
- Host IP (text box editor type) (type: string): the IP of Host where you want to search for VMs.
- Host ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the ID of the host where you want to search. If you enter a value for this parameter, the 'Host IP' parameter is ignored.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get Host using the following steps:- use a Get Host activity to extract the HostID:
- bind the obtained HostID (stored in variable) to the HostID field from VM List From Host activity:
- use a Get Host activity to extract the HostID:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
In order to extract the values from the OutputVMs collection, For Each and Get Element from Collection activities should be used:
Execution: The example below is an execution where vms from host are listed:
VM List Templates
This activity gets the list of VM templates from the specified location.
Execution: the activity can be executed in two (2) different ways:
- without a given Template Name: the activity will simply look for templates in the given folder, outputting a list with all found templates and their IDs:
- with a given Template Name: the activity will first search for the given Template Name and will output its ID, after that will get and output all other templates located in the given location:
In order to extract the values from the OutputVMs collection, For Each and Get Element From Collection activities should be used:
VM Mark as Template
This activity marks the specified Virtual Machine as Template.
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to mark as Template.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
VM Migrate
This activity moves the specified virtual machine to another host and/or another datastore.
- Destination (text box editor type) (type: string): the destination folder where you want to move the VM. For example: root/folder/subfolder.
- Destination ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the ID of the folder where you want to move the VM. If you enter a value for this parameter, the 'Destination' parameter is ignored.
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to move.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
VM Power Off
This activity stops a virtual machine that has already been added to a VMware vSphere server.
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to power off .
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
VM Power On
This activity starts a virtual machine that has been added to a VMware vSphere server and is not already running.
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to reset the guest information.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
VM Refresh Storage Info
This activity refreshes Storage Info for the specified virtual machine.
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to refresh storage information.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
VM Reload
This activity reloads the specified virtual machine.
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to reload.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
VM Remove
This activity removes the specified virtual machine.
Activity Parameters
The VM Remove activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to remove.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
VM Remove All Snapshots
This activity removes All Snapshots of the specified virtual machine
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to remove all snapshots.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
VM Remove Snapshot
This activity removes the specified Snapshot from the existing virtual machine.
- Output Status (type: string): outputs True if the operation succeeded, otherwise False.
VM Rename
This activity renames the specified virtual machine.
- New Virtual Machine Name (text box editor type) (type: string): the new name for the specified virtual machine.
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to rename.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
VM Reset
This activity resets the specified virtual machine.
- Host ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the ID of the host. If you enter a value for this parameter, the 'HostName' parameter is ignored.
- Host Name (text box editor type) (type: string): the host name.
- Suppress Power On (combo box control) (type: string): if set to Yes, the virtual machine will not be powered on regardless of the power state when the current snapshot was created. Default to No.
- Suppress Power On Specified (combo box control) (type: string): suppress Power On Specified.
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to revert to current snapshot.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
Revert to the given Snapshot
This activity reverts to a given Snapshot the specified virtual machine.
Activity Parameters
The VM Revert to the given Snapshot activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Connection (text box editor type) (type: string): Contains the connection string for the VMware
- Host ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the ID of the host. If you enter a value for this parameter, the 'HostName' parameter is ignored.
- Host Name (text box editor type) (type: string): the host name.
- Snapshot ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the ID of the Snapshot. The value can be added manually or can be obtain by using VM List All Snapshots.
- Suppress Power On (combo box control) (type: string): if set to Yes, the virtual machine will not be powered on regardless of the power state when the current snapshot was created. Default to No.
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
VM Set Display Resolution
This activity sets the Display Resolution of the console window for the selected virtual machine.
Activity Parameters
The VM Set Display Resolution activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Height (text box editor type) (type: string): the Screen Height.For example: 1080.
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to set screen resolution.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
- Width (text box editor type) (type: string): the Screen Width. For example: 1920.
VM Shut Down Guest
This activity shuts down the Guest Operating System of the specified virtual machine.
Activity Parameters
The VM Shut Down Guest activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to shut down guest OS.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
This activity stands By Guest of the specified virtual machine.
Activity Parameters
The VM Standby Guest activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to standby guest OS.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
VM Suspend
This activity suspends the specified virtual machine.
Activity Parameters
The VM Suspend activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
This activity takes a snapshot of the specified virtual machine.
Activity Parameters
The VM Take Snapshot activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Memory (text box editor type) (type: string): if set to True and if the virtual machine is currently powered on, the virtual machine's memory state is preserved with the snapshot.
- Quiesce (text box editor type) (type: string): if Quiesce is set to True and the virtual machine is powered on when the snapshot is taken, VMware Tools is used to quiesce the file system in the virtual machine. This assures that a disk snapshot represents a consistent state of the guest file systems. If the virtual machine is powered off or VMware Tools are not available, the quiesce flag is ignored.
- Snapshot Description (text box editor type) (type: string): the snapshot description.
- Snapshot Name (text box editor type) (type: string): the snapshot name.
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to take snapshot of.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
VM Tools Status
This activity verifies the specified virtual machines tools status.
Activity Parameters
The VM Tools Status activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Output (type: string): outputs the current status of VMware Tools running in the guest operating system. One of these strings will be returned, each having a different meaning: 'toolsNotInstalled' , 'toolsNotRunning' , 'toolsOK' , 'toolsOld'.
- Output Running Status (type: string): outputs the running status of VMware Tools running in the guest operating system. One of these strings will be returned, each having a different meaning: 'guestToolsExecutingScripts' , 'guestToolsNotRunning' , 'guestToolsRunning'.
Execution: The example below is an execution where tools status is returned for virtual machine with ID: vm-25:
VM Unmount Tools Installer
This activity unmounts Tools Installer for the selected virtual machine.
Activity Parameters
The VM Unmount Tools Installer activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to unmount Tools installer.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.
VM Unregister
This activity unregisters the specified virtual machine.
Activity Parameters
The VM Unregister activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
This activity upgrades Tools for the specified virtual machine.
Activity Parameters
The VM Upgrade Tools activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
This activity upgrades Version of the specified virtual machine.
Activity Parameters
The VM Upgrade Version activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- New Version (text box editor type) (type: string): the new version for the specified virtual machine.
- Virtual Machine ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the virtual machine you want to upgrade Version.
The value can also be obtained from activity: Get VM using the following steps:- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- use a Get VM activity to extract the VM ID:
- Wait (text box editor type) (type: string): if the parameter is set to 'true', the activity waits for the task execution to complete before moving to the next activity.