- Connection (text box editor type): the Windows Azure connection, obtained after using a Connect to Azure activity. The output from Connect To Azure Stack should be used as input for this parameter.
- DCSubnet (text box editor type): the name of the existing subnet that contains the domain controller.
- DCVNet (text box editor type): the name of the existing VNet that contains the domain controller.
- Domain Username (text box editor type): the username of the domain account to be used for joining the domain.
- FQDN (text box editor type): the FQDN of the AD domain to join.
- Image Offer (text box editor type): Enter the image offer. Maps to the Offer in the Azure Stack Platform Image Repository manifest file. EG. UbuntuServer, SlesServer, CentOS.
- Image Publisher (text box editor type): Enter the image publisher. Maps to the Publisher in the Azure Stack Platform Image Repository manifest file. EG. Canonical, Suse, OpenLogic.
- Image Sku (text box editor type): Enter the image sku. Maps to the sku in the Azure Stack Platform Image Repository manifest file. Eg: 12.SP1
- OS Disk Name (text box editor type): enter the OS disk name.
- Subnet Prefix (text box editor type): enter the subnet prefix. EG.
- VM Size (text box editor type): the vm size (standard value). EG. Standard_A1