- Connection (text box editor type) (type: object): SQL Host connection. The Output from Connect to SQL activity should be used as Input here
- Role (text box editor type) (type: string ): Enter the name of the role that will receive permissions
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Output (type: Boolean): Outputs True or False if the execution was successful or not.
- Connection (text box editor type) (type: object): the connection object that was obtained as output from a Connect To OracleSQL activity.
- Role (value selector list) (type: string): the roles that will be added to the user. The roles will be selected from a list, after clicking the ... button. The list will display all possible roles that can be assigned to a SQL user.
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Output (type: boolean): outputs True or False if the execution was successful or not.