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Add To Collection

This activity adds an element to a collection of elements of the same type.


  • Collection (text box editor type) (type: string): the existing collection parameter that the Item will be added to. This parameter is provided via arguments or variables, defined as Collection<T>, where T is the type under the TypeArgument field. 
  • Item (text box editor type) (type: depends on the TypeArgument): Contains the value or the IN argument/variable name of the element that is to be added to the collection. Its type will have to be same as the one in the TypeArgument field.
  • TypeArgument (ComboBox type): selection box for the type of the elements in the collection.

    The definition of the variable used to reference the Collection field:

    The definition of the IN argument used to reference the Item field:

    The Item field value can also be entered manually, without using an IN argument/variable:


Clear Collection

This activity eliminates all the elements in a workflow collection type argument/variable.


  • Collection (text box editor type) (type: string): the existing collection parameter that will be emptied by means of this activity. This parameter is provided via arguments or variables, defined as Collection<T>, where T is the type under the TypeArgument field. 
  • TypeArgument (ComboBox type): selection box for the type of the elements in the collection.

    The definition of the variable used to reference the Collection field:


Exists in Collection

This activity checks whether an element is part of a collection type argument/variable.


  • Collection (text box editor type) (type: string): the existing collection that will be searched for the existence of Item. This parameter is provided via arguments or variables, defined as Collection<T>, where T is the type under the TypeArgument field. 
  • Item (text box editor type) (type: depends on the TypeArgument): contains the value or the IN argument/variable name of the element that is to be added to the collection. Its type will have to be same as the one in the TypeArgument field.
  • Result (text box editor type) (type: boolean): a boolean variable/argument that will reflect the existance of Item value in Collection.
  • TypeArgument (ComboBox type): selection box for the type of the elements in the collection.

    The definition of the variable used to reference the Collection and Result fields:

    The definition of the IN argument used to reference the Item field:

    The Item field value can also be entered manually, without using an IN argument/variable:



Clear Collection

This activity eliminates all the elements in a workflow collection type argument/variable.


  • Collection (text box editor type) (type: string): the existing collection parameter that will be emptied by means of this activity. This parameter is provided via arguments or variables, defined as Collection<T>, where T is the type under the TypeArgument field. 
  • TypeArgument (ComboBox type): selection box for the type of the elements in the collection.

    The definition of the variable used to reference the Collection field:


Remove From Collection

This activity removes an element from a collection type argument/variable. If the element exists multiple times in a collection, the activity will only remove the first one it finds.


  • Collection (text box editor type) (type: string): the existing collection that Item will be removed from. This parameter is provided via arguments or variables, defined as Collection<T>, where T is the type under the TypeArgument field. 
  • Item (text box editor type) (type: depends on the TypeArgument): contains the value or the IN argument/variable name of the element that is to be removed from the collection. Its type will have to be same as the one in the TypeArgument field.
  • Result (text box editor type) (type: boolean): a boolean variable/argument that will reflect the success of the removal operation.
  • TypeArgument (ComboBox type): selection box for the type of the elements in the collection.

    The definition of the variable used to reference the Collection and Result fields:

    The definition of the IN argument used to reference the Item field:

    The Item field value can also be entered manually, without using an IN argument/variable:
