The Get Workflow Execution Status activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
Connection (text box editor type) (type: object): Flowster Connection. The Output from Connect to Flowster RestApi activity should be used as Input for this parameter.
Timeout (text editor type)(type: int32): specify the number of minutes to wait the operation
Workflow Guid (text editor type)(type: string): enter the Workflow Guid. This parameter can be obtained from the Output parameter of the 'Start Flowster Workflow' activity
The Get Workflow Parameters activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
Connection (text box editor type) (type: object): Flowster Connection. The Output from Connect to Flowster RestApi activity should be used as Input for this parameter.
Timeout (text editor type)(type: int32): specify the number of minutes to wait the operation
Workflow Category (text editor type)(type: string): filter the workflows by the category name. The timestamp must be a direct child of this category. NOTE: If this parameter is set, then a valid Display Name is needed as well
Workflow Display Name (text editor type)(type: string): enter the display name for the active workflow that you want to start. If more timestamps exist with the given display name then try narrowing down the results using the 'Workflow Category' filter, otherwise the first one will be retrieved. It can be copied from the Flowster Administrator by selecting the desired timestamp
Workflow ID (text editor type)(type: int32): enter the ID for the workflow that you want to start. This parameter takes precedence over the ‘Workflow Timestamp ID', ‘Workflow Display Name’ and 'Workflow Category’ parameters. The ID can be copied from the Flowster Administrator by selecting the desired timestamp
Workflow Timestamp ID (text editor type)(type: int32): enter the ID for the workflow timestamp that you want to start. This parameter takes precedence over the ‘Workflow Display Name' and 'Workflow Category’ parameters. The Workflow Timestamp ID can be copied from the Flowster Administrator by selecting the desired timestamp
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
Output (text editor type)(type: <Collection<Dictionary<String,String>>>): returns a collection of KeyValuePairs containing the parameters found with their Names and other properties. In order to use the output you can iterate through the elements and use the GetKeyValuePair activity with the keys: ‘Name', ‘DisplayName’, ‘ParameterType’ and 'IsRequired’
Get Workflow Tracking Data
The Get Workflow Tracking Data activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
Connection (text box editor type) (type: object): Flowster Connection. The Output from Connect to Flowster RestApi activity should be used as Input for this parameter.
Timeout (text editor type)(type: int32): specify the number of minutes to wait the operation
Workflow Guid (text editor type)(type: string): enter the Workflow Guid. This parameter can be obtained from the Output parameter ofe the 'Start Flowster Workflow' activity
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
Output (text editor type)(<Collection<String>>): outputs the Workflow Tracking Data lines
Output Error Message (text editor type)(type: string): outputs the exception message in case of unsuccessful execution and empty otherwise
Output Workflow Output (text editor type)(<List<Dictionary<String,Object>>>): outputs a list of dictionaries containing the OutArgument’s Name, Value and Type. In order to use the output you can use the GetKeyValuePair activity with the keys: ‘Name', ‘Type’ and 'Value’
Start Flowster Workflow
This activity starts the specified workflow using the Flowster RestApi.
The Start Flowster Workflow activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
Comments (text editor type)(type: string): specify a comment
Connection (text box editor type) (type: object): Flowster Connection. The Output from Connect to Flowster RestApi activity should be used as Input for this parameter.
Execution Agent (text editor type)(type: string): enter the IP or Computer Name for the Execution agent that will execute the workflow
Fallback (combobox editor type)(type: string): please select this option if you want the workflow to be executed even in case of system failure
Linux Execution Group (text editor type)(type: string): enter the name of the Linux Execution Group containing the Linux Agent that will execute the workflow
Parameters Collection (text editor type)(type: ObservableCollection<NameObjectValuePair>): specify the parameters you want to send with the request. Arguments/Variables of type Array (e.g. String[], Int32[]), Collection<T> (e.g. Collection<String>), List <T> (e.g. List<KeyValuePair<String,String>>). MUST be initialized before they can be used as binding. E.g. If a parameter of type Collection<String> is bound to a workflow parameter, it MUST be initialized either by setting value New Collection (Of String) in the Default Value column in the Designer - Arguments area or by using Assign (or other initializing activities) activity to assign New Collection(Of String) value to the argument/variable
Schedule Time (text editor type)(type: string): specify the schedule time if you want the workflow to be scheduled. Accepted format is: dd-mm-yyyy HH-MM (e.g. 31-03-2015 12-06)
StartedBy (text editor type)(type: string): enter the username with domain for the user that starts the Flowster Workflow. If left empty the specified 'Username' will be used. (example: “domain\\user“)
Timeout (text editor type)(type: int32): specify the number of minutes to wait the operation
Workflow Category (text editor type)(type: string): filter the workflows by the category name. The timestamp must be a direct child of this category. NOTE: If this parameter is set, then a valid Display Name is needed as well
Workflow Display Name (text editor type)(type: string): enter the display name for the active workflow that you want to start. If more timestamps exist with the given display name then try narrowing down the results using the 'Workflow Category' filter, otherwise the first one will be retrieved. It can be copied from the Flowster Administrator by selecting the desired timestamp
Workflow ID (text editor type)(type: int32): enter the ID for the workflow that you want to start. This parameter takes precedence over the ‘Workflow Timestamp ID', ‘Workflow Display Name’ and 'Workflow Category’ parameters. The ID can be copied from the Flowster Administrator by selecting the desired timestamp
Workflow Timestamp ID (text editor type)(type: int32): enter the ID for the workflow timestamp that you want to start. This parameter takes precedence over the ‘Workflow Display Name' and 'Workflow Category’ parameters. The Workflow Timestamp ID can be copied from the Flowster Administrator by selecting the desired timestamp
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
Output (text editor type)(type: boolean): outputs True if the workflow was started, otherwise False
Output Guid (text editor type)(type: string): outputs the Workflow Guid
OutputScheduledWfID (text editor type)(type: string): outputs the scheduled Workflow’s ID
Stop Flowster Workflow
This activity stops the specified workflow using the Flowster RestAPI.