- Command (text box editor type) (type: string):
- the PowerShell inline script. This parameter takes precedence over the Script Code parameter. Without $using, a $a workflow variable (variable defined via workflow, visible in the Variables area) is not visible in the script. $Using imports the variable and its current value (e.g. {$a = $using:a+1; $a})
- the Command editor has a syntax highlighting toggle, for displaying the lines according to the chosen language. In the example below, PowerShell was used:
the user can also use an external editor of his/her choice via the button to the left of the edit field (). The external editor is by default Windows notepad, but it can be changed in the Designer Settings.
- Include Administrator Scripts (combobox editor type) (type: string): this parameter specifies whether to include the execution of the scripts assigned to the workflow in Administrator. The workflow selected from Administrator will be executed first and added to the result of the powershell script.
- Parameters collection (collection editor type) (type: string): the parameters you want to send with the request. e.g. Name: -ArgumentList and Value:arg1.
- Script Passwords (password collection editor type) (type: string): the names and the values for the password types variables which will be used in the script. These passwords will be incorporated in the script with the $using: syntax
- password value: this value should be manually configured in the editor window. The value will also be encrypted in thew workflow's content file
- password binding value: this field can be linked to an existing variable, argument or global variable, where the value would be automatically taken during the workflow's execution
- this is an example of a script which connects to a vCenter server using different credentials and including multiple passwords:
- Command (text box editor type) (type: string):
- the PowerShell inline script. This parameter takes precedence over the Script Code parameter. Without $using, a $a workflow variable (variable defined via workflow, visible in the Variables area) is not visible in the script. $Using imports the variable and its current value (e.g. {$a = $using:a+1; $a})
- the Command editor has a syntax highlighting toggle, for displaying the lines according to the chosen language. In the example below, PowerShell was used:
the user can also use an external editor of his/her choice via the button to the left of the edit field. The external editor is by default Windows notepad, but it can be changed in the Designer Settings.
- Include Administrator Scripts (combobox editor type) (type: string): this parameter specifies whether to include the execution of the scripts assigned to the workflow in Administrator. The workflow selected from Administrator will be executed first and added to the result of the powershell script.
- Parameters collection (collection editor type) (type: string): the parameters you want to send with the request. e.g. Name: -ArgumentList and Value:arg1.
- Run isolated (text box editor type) (type: string): specify whether to execute the script on a new isolated application domain. This parameter should be set to True when the script contains import modules
- Script Passwords (password collection editor type) (type: string): the names and the values for the password types variables which will be used in the script. These passwords will be incorporated in the script with the $using: syntax
- password value: this value should be manually configured in the editor window. The value will also be encrypted in thew workflow's content file
- password binding value: this field can be linked to an existing variable, argument or global variable, where the value would be automatically taken during the workflow's execution