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This page include an overview about known issues of the FLOWSTER Studio Version 5.3.

title[in progressopen] Parameter order in an approval form does not match the start form


Ordering of parameters in an approval form is not possible and doesn’t match the order of the start form


open - fix planned for sommer 2022

title[open] Grid values are no longer correct if they are used in an approval


The last entry of the grid value will include all entries of the grid, if the grid is used in an approval process.


open - fix planned for sommer 2022

title[done - solved with 5.3.1] The activity HTML Composer incorrectly resolves variables with equal parts of names


The HTML Composer activity incorrectly resolves variables with equal parts of names.

  1. ${using:flowster} = Demo

  2. ${using:flowsterID} = 12234

  3. ${using:flowsterName} = Testing


  1. demo

  2. demoID

  3. demoName

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1

title[in Progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] The activity Terminate Workflow in a snippet wokrflow doesn't abort the main workflow


The main workflow doesn’t abort, if it include a snippet, which extecute the activity Terminate workflow and the start snipper condition stop on error = true.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1


Use the throw activity in the snippet instead. This will throw an unhandled exception, which can be handeled by a seperate try catch in the main workflow, if needed.

title[in Progress - solved with 5.3.1] Central Storage Path activity, does't work in snippet workflows


Workflows can’t show the output of the central storage path activities on the portal, if they are used in snippets. The activities are working only in main workflows.


in Progress - solved with 5.3.1

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Workflow form doesn't show parameters in a seperate parameter group


it can happen, that workflow forms with multiple parameter groups and visibility expressions have problems with the loading and displaying of a parameter group. The selected parameter group will be empty, but the parameters are visible, when you switch back to the parameter group before and back again.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Powershell remote session permissions


The MS Powershell process doesn’t detect user permission changes, if there was still a remote session before with the same user to a different server and the user got new permissions after.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1

Restart the execution agent.

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] cursor navigation in input fields losse the focus and select the navbar


Courser navigation in input fields is not possible, because the focus switch always to the navbar on the portal.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Get certificate binding of component, shows always "The system cannot find the file specified"


It’s not possible to see the currently assigned certificate of a flowster component via the platform status.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] It's not possible to add an administrative subrole in flobal variables


It is not possible to add a flowster administrative role, which is a subrole, to a global variable folder as permission.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Administrative user can see more workflows in portal as allowed.


A user have administrative permissions in selected workflow categories and normal user permissions in different workflow categories for selected workflows. But the user can see all workflows of the categories where he have only normal user right and not only the selected once.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Recurrent scheduled workflows start executing more times after agent restart


Recurrent scheduled workflows will be executed more times as expected, if the executen agent was down during the planned execution time and the fallback flag was set to true. In this case, the system catches up not only one execution, but all missed executions.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Scheduling accept form shows english language, even if german is set


The scheduling accept form for activate / deactivate shows the message always in english, even if german language is set.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Recurrent scheduled workflows start executing more times after agent restart


Recurrent scheduled workflows will be executed more times as expected, if the executen agent was down during the planned execution time and the fallback flag was set to true. In this case, the system catches up not only one execution, but all missed executions.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Workflow check-in via the designer is not successfull


The workflow version and comment dialog, is not displayed during workflow check-in. This means that the workflow is not saved to the database.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1


This error occurs when the workflow tree is reloaded in Designer and the tree has not been reopened to the current workflow timestamp. If you reopen the workflow tree to the current workflow timestamp after reloading, the check-in will work as usual.

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Scheduling pdf report format issue


The scheduling pdf report doesn’t show the workflow parameters correctly, if the parameter include long values.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Workflow check-in via the designer is not successfull


The workflow version and comment dialog, is not displayed during workflow check-in. This means that the workflow is not saved to the database.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1


This error occurs when the workflow tree is reloaded in Designer and the tree has not been reopened to the current workflow timestamp. If you reopen the workflow tree to the current workflow timestamp after reloading, the check-in will work as usual.

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Postgre SQL Query activity connection issue


It may happen that the postgre sql query activity cannot execute a query because the database takes longer to connect.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Automatic log cleaning function throw error message


Automatic log cleaning function throw error messages in platform logs, if no log entry needs to be cleared.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Workflow form summary page doesn't appear, if the workflow include many parameters


The workflow form summary page doesn’t appear and the workflow starts diretcly, if the workflow form include many parameters.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Administrative user can't activate / deactivate a workflow timestamp


Administrative user with permissions bases on a admin permission template can’t activate / deactivate a workflow timestamp in the administrator.

Status:in progress

done - solved with 5.3.1


The Platformlog include following error message:

  1.  ChangeActiveWorkflowTimestamp() on n.n.n.n with guid nnnnn for tenant 1

  2. Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: The instance of entity type WfTimestamp cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {Id} is already being tracked. When attaching existing entities, ensure that only one entity instance with a given key value is attached. Consider using DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging to see the conflicting key values. StackTrace: at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.IdentityMap`1.ThrowIdentityConflict(InternalEntityEntry entry) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.IdentityMap`1.Add(TKey key, InternalEntityEntry entry, Boolean updateDuplicate) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.StateManager.StartTracking(InternalEntityEntry entry) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.InternalEntityEntry.SetEntityState(EntityState oldState, EntityState newState, Boolean acceptChanges) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.EntityGraphAttacher.PaintAction(EntityEntryGraphNode node, Boolean force) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.EntityEntryGraphIterator.TraverseGraph[TState](EntityEntryGraphNode node, TState state, Func`3 handleNode) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext.SetEntityState[TEntity](TEntity entity, EntityState entityState) at FMS.Flowster.WFManagementService.WFManagementService.ChangeActiveWorkflowTimestamp(String workflowSource, Int32 timestampId, Int32 displayNameId, Boolean isDefault) in C:\Users\stoehr\Source\Repos\Flowster Studio\vNext\RestApi\WFManagementService\WFManagementService.cs:line 5962

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Workflow check-in via the designer is not successfull


The workflow version and comment dialog, is not displayed during workflow check-in. This means that the workflow is not saved to the database.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1


This error occurs when the workflow tree is reloaded in Designer and the tree has not been reopened to the current workflow timestamp. If you reopen the workflow tree to the current workflow timestamp after reloading, the check-in will work as usual.

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Workflow form link is not working


Workflow form link shows “no active timestamp available”, if the workflow is member of a subcategory.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1


title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] User Displayname won't be updated, if displayname changed in the Active Directory


The User displayname is not updated in flowster, if the name has changed in the active directory and the have permissions to access the portal via a group and is not directly assigned.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Users from Azure AD Groups can't login to the portal


Azure AD users with Flowster Portal permissions via an azure ad group, can’t login to the portal-

The users needs to be diretcly assigned.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1

title[in progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Workflow timestamp assignment to an already scheduled workflow is not working


A different timestamp should be assigned to an existing scheduled workflow. The assignement will be done and correctly displayed on the scheudling page, but the execution logs shows an execution of the previous scheduled workflow.

The scheduling needs to be removed and created again with the needed timestamp.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1

title[in Progressdone - solved with 5.3.1] Custom Gui changes are not updated


Workflows with a custom gui configuration in the parameter configuration needs to go into the custom gui editor and click on save, after they changed the parameter setup.

Status:in Progress

done - solved with 5.3.1