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Designer application consists of two main areas:

  • The header which contains:
    • the License info
    • the Language option. There are three options to choose from: EnglishDeutsch and Auto. When choosing the Auto option, the switch will be done to the language of the machine where Flowster Designer is installed.
    • the Active Tenant drop-down Tenant option - the Active Tenant option is visible only if the logged in user has rights on more than one tenantis member of admin type security groups in multiple tenants. The list of tenants is determined at login, therefore if security roles for logged in user changes in a tenant's security group, the list will be recalculated at the next login of the user. 

  • The working area which contains the main menu (Home, View, Custom Activity Library and Help) and the second menu (Workflows tab, Activities tab, Snippets tab and Local tab):