The Reporting → Running Workflows The Reporting → Running Workflows page can be reached by clicking the menu menu item.
This page will display all workflows launched for execution in Portal, which are currently in Started or Persisted state.
The set of filters provided may be used to display only the desired workflows. Filters Filters can be mixed, for a more effective display of the running workflows:
- the the Starting Date filter: there will be displayed only workflows started from the selected date and time
- the the Ending Date filter: there will be displayed only workflows started up to and including the date and timethe
- the User name filter filter: there will be displayed only workflows started by the selected user
- the the Workflow name filter: there will be displayed only workflows with the selected name
- the Status filter: there will be displayed only workflows with the selected status
The workflow’s execution details can be viewed by selecting a workflow and clicking the link displayed in the Details column. The Workflow Tracking Data window will open, displaying the Tracking Data from the workflow's execution.
A running workflow can be stopped by selecting it and clicking the the Stop Selected button button.
A workflow with status 'Persisted until <timestamp>' can be resumed by clicking the Resume button (the Resume button is enabled only when selecting a workflow with this Status) or stopped by clicking the Stop Selected button.
The Refresh The Refresh button will refresh the content of the running workflows list.
There can also be generated a a report containing containing the information from the the Running Workflows page page.