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Add mail account


This activity adds a new mail account to the specified AutoKAS account.


Activity Parameters


The Add Mail Account activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:

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  • Copy Address (opt) (text box editor type) (type: string): the copy recipient addresses in format RFC2822 (multiple addresses separated with commas possible, default empty). (This parameter is optional).
  • Domain Part (text box editor type) (type: string): the the Domain part of the mail address. E.g.
  • Local Part (text box editor type) (type: string)the Local part of the mail address. Without the domain. E.g. mydomain demo.deSystem.StringParametersResponder(This parameter is optional) Enter the responder of the mail address. N|Y or start|end (start and end as Timestamps with ' | ' , default N)System.StringParametersresponder_textEnter the responder text of the mail address.System.StringParameterscopy_adress(This parameter is optional) Enter the copy recipient addresses in format RFC2822 (multiple addresses separated with commas possible, default empty)System.StringParametersmail_sender_alias(This parameter is optional) Enter the mail sender alias : allow alias addresses (default empty)System.StringParametersmail_xlist_sent(This parameter is optional) Make the XLIST name 'Sent Items' (default Sent)System.StringParametersmail_xlist_drafts(This parameter is optional) Make the XLIST name 'Drafts' (default Drafts)System.StringParametersmail_xlist_trash(This parameter is optional) Make
  • Mail Responder Content Type (opt) (combo box control) (type: string): the mail responder content type of the e-mail address. Optional formats: html | text (default text). (This parameter is optional).
  • Mail Sender Alias (opt) (text box editor type) (type: string)the mail sender alias : allow alias addresses (default empty). (This parameter is optional).
  • Mail Xlist Drafts (opt) (text box editor type) (type: string)make the XLIST name 'Drafts' (default Drafts). (This parameter is optional).
  • Mail Xlist Enabled(opt) (combo box control) (type: string): make the Xlist active: Yes | No (default Yes). (This parameter is optional).
  • Mail Xlist Sent (opt) (text box editor type) (type: string): make the XLIST name 'Sent' (default Sent Items). (This parameter is optional).
  • Mail Xlist Spam (opt) (text box editor type) (type: string): make the XLIST name 'Spam' (default Spam). (This parameter is optional).
  • Mail Xlist Trash (opt) (text box editor type) (type: string): make the XLIST name 'Trash' (default Trash)System.StringParametersmail_xlist_spam(This parameter is optional) Make the XLIST name 'Spam' (default Spam)System.StringParameters

    Output Parameters

    NameDescriptionTypeCategoryOutputMsgOutputs the new mail loginSystem.StringRead-Only OutputOutputOutputs the ).
  • Mail Password (password box editor type) (type: string): the e-mail password.
  • Responder (opt) (text box editor type) (type: string)the responder of the mail address. N | Y or start | end (start and end as Timestamps with ' | ' , default N). (This parameter is optional).
  • Responder Text (text box editor type) (type: string)the responder text of the mail address.

The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:

  • Output  (type: string): outputs the new mail login.
  • Output Status (type: boolean): the result status. If the mail account was added successfully then TRUE, otherwise FALSE.System.BooleanRead-Only Output

     Connect To AutoKAS


Execution: the activity will create a new e-mail account for the connected AutoKAS account:

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Connect to AutoKAS

This activity connects to the specified AutoKAS account and outputs a AutoKAS client connection.


Activity Parameters


The Connect to AutoKAS activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:

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All of the input parameters are mandatory.


  • Password (password box editor type) (type: string): the autoKAS username's password.
  • Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for connection. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the taskworkflow, for example Flowster User Portal)System.StringParameters

    Output Parameters

    NameDescriptionTypeCategorysessionOutputs a .
  • User Name (text box editor type) (type: string): the autoKAS username.

The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:

  • Output result  (type: object): outputs an AutoKAS connection. The Ouput ouput of this activity should be used as Input for all Connection parameters used for all activities placed under AutoKAS category.System.ObjectRead-Only Output

     Delete mail account

    Deletes the desired mail account from
 Image Added

Disconnect from AutoKAS

This activity disconnects the specified AutoKAS account.


Activity Parameters


sessionAutoKAS Connection. The Output from Connect To AutoKAS activity should be used as Input for this parameter.System.ObjectParameters
MailLoginEnter the mail account loginSystem.StringParameters

Output Parameters


The Disconnect from AutoKAS activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:

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All of the input parameters are mandatory.


  • Connection (text box editor type) (type: object): the autoKAS connection, obtained after using a Connect to AutoKAS activity.


Delete mail account

This activity deletes the desired mail account from the specified AutoKAS account.

Activity Parameters

The Delete mail account activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:

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All of the input parameters are mandatory.


  • Mail Login (text box editor type) (type: string): the mail account login.

The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:

  • Output result  (type: boolean): outputs True If the mail account was deleted successfully then TRUE, otherwise FALSE.System.BooleanRead-Only Output

     Disconnect From AutoKAS

    Disconnects the specified AutoKAS account


List mail accounts


This activity lists all mail accounts and their information from the specified AutoKAS account.


Activity Parameters


sessionAutoKAS Connection. The Output from Connect To AutoKAS activity should be used as Input for this parameter.System.ObjectParameters

Output Parameters


The List mail accounts activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:

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All of the input parameters are mandatory, in this case Connection being the only parameter.

The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:

  • Output  (type: collection<collection<string>>): outputs a collection of mail accounts and their properties.To use the elements of the collection, use Get Element From Collection activitySystem.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1 [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1 [System.String]]Read-Only OutputmailLoginsCounterOutputs .
  • Output Mail Logins  (type: collection<string>): outputs a collection of mail logins found for the specified AutoKAS account.
  • Output Rows Count  (type: int32): outputs the number of mail accounts found on the specified AutoKAS accountSystem.Int32Read-Only OutputOutputMailLoginsOutputs a collection of mail logins found for the specified AutoKAS account.System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1 [System.String]Read-Only Output

     Update mail account


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Execution: the activity will output all the mail accounts and their properties for the account where the activity is connected to:

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Update mail account

This activity update the desired mail account from the specified AutoKAS account.


Activity Parameters


The Update mail account activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:

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All of the input parameters are mandatory.


  • Copy address (opt) (text box editor type) (type: string): the copy recipient addresses in format RFC2822 (multiple addresses separated with commas possible). (This parameter is optional).
  • Is active (opt) (combo box editor type) (type: string): select if the mailbox is Active or Not.
  • Mail login (text box editor type) (type: string)the mail login of the mail address.System.StringParametersResponderEnter the responder of the mail address. N|Y or start|end (start and end as Timestamps with ' | ' )System.StringParametersresponder_textEnter the responder text of the mail address.System.StringParameters
  • copy_adress(This parameter is optional) Enter the copy recipient addresses in format RFC2822 (multiple addresses separated with commas possible)System.StringParametersmail_sender_alias(This parameter is optional) Enter Mail new password (password box editor type) (type: string): the new mail password.
  • Mail responder content (opt) (combo box editor type) (type: string): the mail responder content type of the email address. Optional formats: htmltext (default text). Select a value from the drop down list only if you want to modify it. (This parameter is optional).
  • Mail sender alias (opt) (text box editor type) (type: string)the mail sender alias : allow alias addressesSystem.StringParametersmail_xlist_sent. (This parameter is optional).
  • Mail xlist drafts (opt) (text box editor type) (type: string)the XLIST 'Drafts' name. (This parameter is optional).
  • Mail xlist enabled (opt) (combo box editor type) (type: string): if the XLIST is active. (This parameter is optional) Change ).
  • Mail xlist sent (opt) (text box editor type) (type: string)the XLIST 'Sent Items' nameSystem.StringParametersmail_xlist_drafts(This parameter is optional) Change .
  • Mail xlist spam (opt) (text box editor type) (type: string)the XLIST 'DraftsSpam' nameSystem.StringParametersmail_xlist_trash(This parameter is optional) Change ).
  • Mail xlist trash (opt) (text box editor type) (type: string)the XLIST 'Trash' nameSystem.StringParametersmail_xlist_spam(This parameter is optional) Change the XLIST 'Spam' nameSystem.StringParameters

    Output Parameters

    NameDescriptionTypeCategoryOutputOutputs the .
  • Responder (text box editor type) (type: string)the responder of the mail address. N or Y, or start|end (start and end as Timestamps with ' | ' ). (This parameter is optional).
  • Responder text (text box editor type) (type: string)the responder text of the mail address.

The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:

  • Output status  (type: boolean): outputs the result status. If the mail account was updated successfully then TRUE, otherwise FALSE.System.BooleanRead-Only Output