Connection (text box editor type) (type: object): Flowster Connection. The Output from Connect To Flowster RestAPI activity should be used as Input for this parameter.
Approve Flowster Workflow
This activity allows you to respond to an approval request created with the Approval with Values activity.
Activity Parameters
The Approve Flowster Workflow activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
Connection (text box editor type) (type: object): Flowster Connection. The Output from Connect to Flowster RestApi activity should be used as Input for this parameter.
Approval (text box editor type) (type: string): Enter the workflow guid of the workflow to be approved. You can retrieve this via the instanceID activity in the approval workflow.
Approval User (text box editor type) (type: string): Authorizer specified as domain\samaccountname. Currently only AD Users are supported! The GroupChildId of the user must be specified for all other users. You can determine this from the GroubChild table in the database.
Comment (text box editor type) (type: string): Optional comment if the request is rejected.
Workflow GUID (text box editor type) (type: string): Enter the workflow guid of the workflow to be approved. You can retrieve this via the instanceID activity in the approval workflow.
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
Successfully (type: boolean): Returns true, if the action was successfully executed
Edit Workflow Status
This activity activate or deactivate the specified workflow using the Flowster RestAPI.
Activity Parameters
The Edit Workflow Status activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
This activity gets the content of the active version of the file. If variables/global variables/arguments are used in the file, they will be replaced during execution if they are declared in the workflow. Variables that store an encrypted value or global variables of type password will be replaced with the decrypted value.
Activity Parameters
The Get File Repository Content activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
This activity retrieves the status for the specified workflow using the Flowster RestAPI.
Activity Parameters
The Get Workflow Execution Status activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
This activity gets the specified workflow’s parameters using the Flowster RestAPI.
Activity Parameters
The Get Workflow Parameters activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
This activity retrieves the Tracking Data for the specified workflow using the Flowster RestAPI.
Activity Parameters
The Get Workflow Tracking Data activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
This activity retrieves the Out Arguments for the specified workflow using the Flowster RestAPI.
Activity Parameters
The Get Workflow Out Arguments activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
This activity starts the specified workflow using the Flowster RestApi.
Activity Parameters
The Start Flowster Workflow activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
This activity stops the specified workflow using the Flowster RestAPI.
Activity Parameters
The Stop Flowster Workflow activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables: