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Scheduled page displays all scheduled workflows.

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Schedule Configuration

A workflow can be scheduled with a specific configuration, including a schedule type and schedule options. 


  • Non-Repetitive - the scheduled workflow will be executed once according to the schedule configuration. The Schedule time option represents the starting date and time of the workflow execution. 

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  • Repetitive - the scheduled workflow will be executed recurrently according to the schedule configuration

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The following options are general for all Repetitive types (e.g. Minutely, Hourly etc.)


  • Visible by all users  - this option is available for Once and Repetitive schedule types and it affects the scheduled workflow's visibility for all users
    • If checked: the scheduled workflow will be visible for all users with permissions granted on the scheduled workflow  
    • If unchecked: the scheduled workflow will only be visible for the submitter user and Superadmin Super admin security group members. 
  • Fallback  - this option affects the scheduled workflow’s execution in case of services failure as it follows:
    • If checked: in case of services failure (execution agent, engine, scheduling) at the moment of the workflow’s execution time – the workflow will start the execution at the time when the services will be available again
    • If unchecked: in case of services failure (execution agent, engine, scheduling) at the moment of the workflow’s execution time – the workflow will start the execution at the original scheduled time when the services will be available again


After the workflow is scheduled, specific actions can be performed to update the schedule configuration to new business requirements. 

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  • Deactivate/Activate - deactivate/activate scheduled workflow by clicking Deactivate button
  • Edit - edit scheduled workflow's parameters and/or scheduling details by clicking its affiliated Image Removed buttonaffiliated Edit button
  • Stop - stop scheduled workflow by clicking its affiliated Image Removed buttonInfo affiliated Stop button
  • Details - view details (schedule info and parameters) about the scheduled workflow 


  • workflow by clicking its affiliated Details button

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