- Connect to eDirectory
- Disconnect from eDirectory
- Add User to Group
- Change User Password
- Create Computer
- Create Group
- Create User
- Delete Entry
- Edit Entry
- Remove User from Group
- List Entries
- Rename Entry
- Search Attributes
If there is a limitation on the number of connections to the domain controller and an Approval activity is desired in the same workflow as processing a large number of operations, it is recommended to separate edirectory activities within a different workflow/ snippet from the workflow where the Approval activity is used (because approval has a default persistence mechanism). In that way, the workflow/ snippet will not have operations/ activities persisted and it will run normally without the persistency flag. Only the workflow with Approval activity will be persisted.
Connect to eDirectory
This activity connects to eDirectory.The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under eDirectory category.
The membership can be seen on the Group, for example, in the Members tab (NetIQ iManager was used for browsing purposes):
Change User Password
This activity changes the password of a user account.
The newly created group can be seen under the given parent container (NetIQ iManager was used for browsing purposes):
Create User
This activity creates a new entry of class 'User' in eDirectory.
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables.
Execution: the activity will edit the specified attributes for the given entry (in our example, for an user):
Remove User from Group
This activity removes specified user from specified group.
List Entries
This activity returns all the entries in the specified container. No attributes are returned.
Activity Parameters
The List Entries activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Search Base (text box editor type) (type: string): the container DN where the search is done. For example, "o=FlowsterDemo", meaning that the activity will search in this specific container after its entries.
- Search Filter (text box editor type) (type: string): the search filter. If left empty, the activity will return all objects from the given container (Search Base). There can be also used the following filters:
- ObjectClass=User: will return only the entries of type User
- ObjectClass=Group: will return only entries of type Group
- ObjectClass=Computer: will return only entries of type Computer
- combinations of the above mentioned filters
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- DN List (type: List<string>): outputs a list of strings containing the found DN for each object that matches the filter.
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments/variables or inserted through the inline / extended editor.
Execution: the activity will search for entries in the given container, depending on the provided filter (if the filter is empty, all entries will be listed):
Search Attributes
This activity searches for attribute values based on the search filter of the first matching DN.
Activity Parameters
The Search Attributes activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Search Base (text box editor type) (type: string): the container DN where the search is done. For example, "o=FlowsterDemo", meaning that the activity will search in this specific container after its entries.
- Search Filter (text box editor type) (type: string): the search filter:
- If left empty: the activity will return the container's attributes. It will also be left empty is a CN is provided at the Search Base field
- ObjectClass=User: will return only the attributes for the entries of type User
- ObjectClass=Group: will return only the attributes for the entries of type Group
- ObjectClass=Computer: will return only the attributes for the entries of type Computer
- combinations of the above mentioned filters (except empty)
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Attributes List (type: List<KeyValuePair<string,string>>): outputs a list of KeyValuePair string containing the found attribute name and value for the first object that matches the filter.
- Attributes List Array (type: List<KeyValuePair<string,string[]>>): outputs a list of KeyValuePair string, string[] containing the found attribute name and all the values for the first object that matches the filter.
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments/variables or inserted through the inline / extended editor.
Execution: depending on the given Search Base and Search Filters, the activity will output a list with all found attributes. Below there are some examples of using the activity with different search filters and search bases:
- Search Base is a container, no filter provided:
- activitycontent:
- activity execution:
- activitycontent:
- Search Base is a container, filter for Users provided:
- activity content:
- activity execution:
- activity content:
- Search Base is a container, filter for Groups provided:
- activity content:
- activity execution:
- activity content:
- Search Base is an User, no filter provided
- activity content:
- activity execution:
- activity content:
- Search Base is a Group, no filter provided:
- activity content:
- activity execution:
- activity content:
- Search Base is a Computer, no filter provided:
- activity content:
- activity execution:
- activity content:
If an attribute has multiple values, use the output parameter Attributes List Array to extract all the values from the attribute. E.g attribute = objectClass with multiple values like 'top;organizationalUnit'. In order to extract all values from the objectClass attribute, not just the first one, use a ForEach activity to iterate through the string[] returned by Attributes List Array parameter:
Rename Entry
This activity renames the cn attribute for an entry in Novell eDirectory.
Activity Parameters
The Rename Entry activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- New DN (text box editor type) (type: string): the new CN string value.
- Old DN (text box editor type) (type: string): the old DN String value for the user which will be renamed. For example, "CN=FlowsterUser,o=FlowsterDemo", where FlowsterUser is the name for the userand FlowsterDemo is the parent container of the user).
- Parent DN (text box editor type) (type: string): the parent DN of the entry. For example, "o=FlowsterDemo".
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Output (type: string) outputs the status of the operation.
Execution: the activity will search the user in the given container and after the given DN (Old DN). If found, it will renamed the user according to the new name (New DN):
The renamed can be seen under the given parent container (NetIQ iManager was used for browsing purposes):