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Send SNMP Trap

This activity sends an SNMP Trap (notifies the specified SNMP manager (the trap destination) when an unexpected event occurs locally on the managed host. You can use traps for limited security checking (such as notifying the trap destination if the agent receives an information request from an SNMP manager that it does not recognize) or for troubleshooting (such as notifying the trap destination if the WINS service fails)).

Activity Parameters

The Send SNMP Trap activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:


  • IP (type: string): The IP of SNMP Device.
  • Port (type: UShort): the port used by the trap to communicate. Reserved SNMP trap port: 162.
  • SecurityName (type: string): the SNMP Security Name (only available for SNMP v3).
  • VarBind: the OID(s) for the SNMP packet. In our example OIDs for Battery StatusRemaining Battery and Battery Temperature were used:






SNMP Request (SNMP Get)

This activity sends a SNMP request to a given SNMP server.


  • Authentication Digest: is the protocol used for identifying the integrity of a received message (ensures that a packet has not been tampered with during transit). This protocols are used only for SNMP Version 3. Flowster Studio provides MD5, SHA1 and None as options:
    • MD5: authentication based on HMAC-MD5 algorithm.
    • SHA1: authentication based on HMAC-SHA1 algorithm.
    • None: no authentication protocol.
  • CommunityName (type: string): the community name (e.g. public, private). A community name acts as a password that is shared, typically, by multiple SNMP agents and one or more SNMP managers. 
  • IP (type: string): The IP of the machine where the SNMP device is located.
  • Port (type: UShort): the UDP communication port. Default value: 161.
  • Privacy Protocols: the privacy protocol for the SNMP Version 3. Flowster Studio provides AES, DES, TripleDes and None as options. The AES and 3-DES Encryption Support for SNMP Version 3 feature adds Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128-bit encryption in compliance with RFC 3826 extensions. 
    • AES encryption uses the Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode with encryption key sizes of 128, 192, or 256 bits.
    • 3DES encryption uses the 168-bit key size for encryption.
  • SNMP Version: the version for the SNMP device where the request will be sent. Flowster Studio provides v1, v2 and v3 as options.
  • Timeout: the UDP communication timeout. Default value: 2000
  • Try (type: integer): the number of retries. Default value: 1
  • Username (type: string): the SNMP Security Name (only available for SNMP v3).
  • Password 1 (type: string): the first password for SNMP v3
  • Password 2 (type: string): the second password for SNMP v3
  • Password Binding 1 (type: string): the variable containing the encrypted first password for SNMP v3
  • Password Binding 2 (type: string): the variable containing the encrypted second password for SNMP v3
  • VarBind: the OID(s) for the SNMP packet. In our example OIDs for Battery Status, Remaining Battery and Battery Temperature were used:


  • OutputSNMPOIDs  (type: List<String>): the list of SNMP OIDs.
  • OutputSNMPPackets  (type: List<Dictionary<String,String>>): the list of SNMP packets.
  • OutputSNMPTypes  (type: List<String>): the list of SNMP types.
  • OutputSNMPValues  (type: List<String>): the list of SNMP values.
  • OutputSNMPValueTypes  (type: List<String>): the list of SNMP value types.

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Execution: the activity will sent a request to the specified SNMP device and if the device responds, will retrieve the values for the given OIDs:






SNMP Trigger

This activity sets a SNMP trap trigger.


  • OutputBufferLength  (type: int): the buffer size of the SNMP trap.
  • OutputSenderIp (type: string): the IPv4 address of the machine sending the trap.
  • OutputVarBind (type: List<KeyValuePair<Object,Object>>): the Oid/OctetString variable pairs of the SNMP trap.
  • OutputVersion (type: int): the SNMP trap version.