- Connect to Connect to JIRA
- Disconnect from JIRA
- CreateIssue
- DeleteIssue
- GetIssues
- GetProjects
- ResolveIssue
- UpdateIssue
Connect to JIRA
This activity connects to the specified JIRA account and outputs a JIRA client connection.
Activity Parameters
The Connect to JIRA activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Base URL (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the URL for the JIRA website. E.g. "" .
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the connection. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
- Username (text box editor type) (type: string): the username for the JIRA account.
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs an JIRA Connection. This parameter should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under JIRA category.
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables or input directly in the property field. E.g. "D00012" for Username property.
Disconnect from JIRA
This activity disconnects the specified JIRA account.
Activity Parameters
The Disconnect from JIRA activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Connection (text box editor type) (type: object): the JIRA Connection. The output parameter from Connect To JIRA activity should be used as Input here.
Create Issue
This activity creates a new issue in JIRA.
Activity Parameters
The Create Issue activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Assignee (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the assignee name. E.g. "D00018" is the username of the JIRA account that the new created task will be assigned to.
- Affects Versions (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the affected versions name. E.g. "4.1,4.2" if you need to insert more than one version.
- Business Value (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the affected versions name. E.g. "4.1,4.2" if you need to insert more than one version.
- Components (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the component name. E.g. "Administrator,Agent" if you need to insert more than one component.
- Description (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the description for the new created JIRA issue.
- Due Date (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the due date according to the format: "YYYY-MM-DD". E.g. "2016-01-01" .
- Fix Versions (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the fix versions name. E.g. "4.1,4.2" if you need to insert more than one version.
- Issue Type (combo box control) (type: string): select the text value of the issue type. E.g. "New Feature" if the new created issue is a new feature type of JIRA task.
- Other (collection editor type) (type: string): specify other required Field IDs if they are not found among specified parameters of this activity. E.g field ID: customfield_10900 for a custom required field in JIRA.
- Project Key (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the project key where the new JIRA issue will be created. Use GetProjects activity to obtain the existing JIRA project keys or input directly the project key value. E.g. "FLOWSTER" for the project key.
- Story Points (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the story points for the new issue. E.g. 2.
- Summary (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the summary text (title of the issue) for the new JIRA issue.
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Output Id (type: string): outputs the ID for the new created issue.
- Output Key (type: string): outputs the Key for the new created issue.
If you want to display the value of the string output parameters use any logging activity that displays string values. E.g. LogTrackData activity.
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables ( E.g.JIRAConnection variable for Connection property) or input directly in the property field ( E.g. "FLOWSTER" value for Project Key property).
Delete Issue
This activity deletes a specified issue in JIRA.
Activity Parameters
The Delete Issue activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Issue Key Or ID (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the key or id for the issue to be deleted. Use Get Issues activity to obtain the existing JIRA issues keys and ids or input directly the value. E.g. "FLOW-1200" representing the key of the issue to be deleted. This key of the issue is also visible in JIRA website.
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables ( E.g.IssueKey variable for 'Issue Key Or ID' property) or input directly in the property field. The value stored in IssueKey variable may be the output of Create Issue or Get Issues activities.
NOTE: the username used to create the connection to the JIRA website must have rights to delete issues. (E.g. the user must have Administrative rights)
Get Issues
This activity retrieves a collection of issues for the existing JIRA account.
Activity Parameters
The Get Issues activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Assignee (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the assignee name. E.g. return only the issues assigned to "D00018" assignee.
- Max Results (text box editor type) (type: Int32): the maximum number of results to returned by this activity (note: Because the type of the editor is Int32, the value is inserted without ""). E.g. 20 value used as input.
- Project Filter (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the project key where the issues will be searched and returned. Use GetProjects activity to obtain the existing JIRA project keys or input directly the project key value. E.g. "FLOWSTER" for the project key.
- Summary (text box editor type) (type: string): filter returned issues by summary text.
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Output Issues (type: collection<collection<string>>): outputs a collection of issues with their properties.
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables ( E.g.JIRAConnection variable for 'Connection' property) or input directly in the property field (E.g "FLOWSTER" value for 'Project Filter' property).
Use the following workflow logic as example to iterate through a variable of type collection<collection<string>>. For more information on how to use Custom ForEach activity please check Workflow link.
- Add a CustomForEach activity of type collection<string> to iterate through the main collection of Issues variable of type collection<collection<string>>.
- Rename the Iterator to a specific name. E.g. Iterator -> Issue
- Add inside the Issues - Properties Collection sequence a new CustomForEach activity of type <string> to iterate through each Issue which is the iterator of the main collection.
- Add in the body of the Display Property sequence a logging activity, e.g. LogTrackData to display the string value of the Iterator.
Get Projects
This activity retrieves a collection of projects for the existing JIRA account.
Activity Parameters
The Get Projects activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Output Projects (type: collection<collection<string>>): outputs a collection of issues with their properties.
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables ( E.g.JIRAConnection variable for 'Connection' property).
Use the following workflow logic as example to iterate through a variable of type collection<collection<string>>. For more information on how to use Custom ForEach activity please check Workflow link.
- Add a CustomForEach activity of type collection<string> to iterate through the main collection of Projects variable of type collection<collection<string>>.
- Rename the Iterator to a specific name. E.g. Iterator -> Project
- Add inside the Projects - Properties Collection sequence a new CustomForEach activity of type <string> to iterate through each Project which is the iterator of the main collection.
- Add in the body of the Display Property sequence a logging activity, e.g. LogTrackData to display the string value of the Iterator.
Resolve Issue
This activity resolves a specified issue in JIRA.
Activity Parameters
The Resolve Issue activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Issue Key Or ID (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the key or id for the issue to be resolved. Use Get Issues activity to obtain the existing JIRA issues keys and ids or input directly the value. E.g. "FLOW-1200" representing the key of the issue to be resolved. This key of the issue is also visible in JIRA website.
- Resolution (combo box control) (type: string): select the resolution type to be applied to the specified issue. E.g. "Fixed" if you want to close the issue with the resolution Fixed. Regardless of the selected resolution, the issue will appear Closed in JIRA website.
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables ( E.g.JIRAConnection variable for 'Connection' property) or input directly in the property field (E.g. "FLOW-1200" for 'Issue Key Or ID' property).
Update Issue
This activity updates s specified issue in JIRA.
Activity Parameters
The Update Issue activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Assignee (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the assignee name. E.g. "D00018" is the new assignee for the specified JIRA issue.
- Description (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the new description for specified JIRA issue.
- Issue Key Or ID (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the key or id for the issue to be updated. Use Get Issues activity to obtain the existing JIRA issues keys and ids or input directly the value. E.g. "FLOW-1200" representing the key of the issue to be updated. This key of the issue is also visible in JIRA website.
- Issue Type (combo box control) (type: string): select the new text value of the issue type. E.g. "Bug" is the new Issue type of the specified JIRA issue .
- Project Key (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the project key where the specified JIRA belongs. Use GetProjects activity to obtain the existing JIRA project keys or input directly the project key value. E.g. "FLOWSTER" for the project key.
- Summary (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the new summary text (title of the issue) for the specified JIRA issue.
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables ( E.g.JIRAConnection variable for Connection property) or input directly in the property field ( E.g. "FLOWSTER" value for Project Key property).