Send SNMP Trap
This activity sends a SNMP trap.
Activity Parameters
The Send SNMP Trap activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- IP (type: string): The IP of the machine sending the trap.
- Port (type: UShort): the port used by the trap to communicate. Reserved SNMP trap port: 162.
- SecurityName (type: string): the SNMP Security Name (only available for SNMP v3).
- VarBind (type: List<KeyValuePair<Object,Object>>): the Oid/OctetString variable pairs of the SNMP trap.
SNMP Request (SNMP Get)
This activity sends a SNMP request to a given SNMP server.
Activity Parameters
The Send SNMP Request activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Authentication Digest: is the protocol used for identifying the integrity of a received message (ensures that a packet has not been tampered with during transit). This protocols are used only for SNMP Version 3. Flowster Studio provides MD5, SHA1 and None as options:
- MD5: authentication based on HMAC-MD5 algorithm.
- SHA1: authentication based on HMAC-SHA1 algorithm.
- None: no authentication protocol.
- CommunityName (type: string): the community name (e.g. public, private). A community name acts as a password that is shared, typically, by multiple SNMP agents and one or more SNMP managers.
- IP (type: string): The IP of the machine where the SNMP device is located.
- Port (type: UShort): the UDP communication port. Default value: 161.
- Privacy Protocols: the privacy protocol for the SNMP Version 3. Flowster Studio provides AES, DES, TripleDes and None as options. The AES and 3-DES Encryption Support for SNMP Version 3 feature adds Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128-bit encryption in compliance with RFC 3826 extensions.
- AES encryption uses the Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode with encryption key sizes of 128, 192, or 256 bits.
- 3DES encryption uses the 168-bit key size for encryption.
- AES encryption uses the Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode with encryption key sizes of 128, 192, or 256 bits.
- SNMP Version: the version for the SNMP device where the request will be sent. Flowster Studio provides v1, v2 and v3 as options.
- Timeout: the UDP communication timeout. Default value: 2000
- Try (type: integer): the number of retries. Default value: 1
- Username (type: string): the SNMP Security Name (only available for SNMP v3).
- Password 1 (type: string): the first password for SNMP v3
- Password 2 (type: string): the second password for SNMP v3
- Password Binding 1 (type: string): the variable containing the encrypted first password for SNMP v3
- Password Binding 2 (type: string): the variable containing the encrypted second password for SNMP v3
- VarBind: the OID(s) for the SNMP packet. In our example OIDs for Battery Status, Remaining Battery and Battery Temperature were used:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- OutputSNMPOIDs (type: List<String>): the list of SNMP OIDs.
- OutputSNMPPackets (type: List<Dictionary<String,String>>): the list of SNMP packets.
- OutputSNMPTypes (type: List<String>): the list of SNMP types.
- OutputSNMPValues (type: List<String>): the list of SNMP values.
- OutputSNMPValueTypes (type: List<String>): the list of SNMP value types.
Execution: the activity will sent a request to the specified SNMP device and if the device responds, will retrieve the values for the given OIDs:
SNMP Trigger
This activity sets a SNMP trap trigger.
Activity Parameters
The SNMP Trigger activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Port (type: int): The port that the SNMP trigger will listen for traps.
- TimeOut (type: int): The time span that the activity will keep listening.
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- OutputBufferLength (type: int): the buffer size of the SNMP trap.
- OutputSenderIp (type: string): the IPv4 address of the machine sending the trap.
- OutputVarBind (type: List<KeyValuePair<Object,Object>>): the Oid/OctetString variable pairs of the SNMP trap.
- OutputVersion (type: int): the SNMP trap version.