Account Info
This activity returns the specified Dropbox account information.
Activity Parameters
The Account Info activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
All of the input parameters are mandatory.
- Connection (text box editor type): the Dropbox connection, obtained after using a Connect to Dropbox activity.
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Output: outputs a collection of strings with the specified Dropbox account information.
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Account Info activity:
Execution: the activity will output the information of the account where the connection is made:
Using Get Element From Collection activity in order to extract the account's information:
Connect To Dropbox
This activity connects to the specified Dropbox account and outputs a DropBox client connection.
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Dropbox activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
All of the input parameters are mandatory.
- Access Token (text box editor type): enter the generated access token value. This parameter is generated from the Dropbox account, by navigating to the 'Developers' page, in the 'My apps' section, select the desired app, in the settings tab you should see a 'Generate' button. Click on the Generate button and copy the generated value into Access Token parameter. The image below displays the token seen on the Dropbox Developers page:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection: outputs a Dropbox connection. The Output of this activity should be used as Input for all Connection parameters used for all activities placed under Dropbox category. The maximum time that can be spent uploading and downloading files is 48 hours.
Delete File or Folder
This activity deletes the specified file or folder from the specified Dropbox account.
Activity Parameters
The Delete File or Folder activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
All of the input parameters are mandatory.
- File or Folder Path (text box editor type): the Dropbox full path of the file or folder which you want to be deleted. E.g. /Folder/SubFolder/File.extension.
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Output: outputs the result status. If the item was deleted successfully then TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Delete File or Folder activity:
Disconnect From Dropbox
This activity disconnects the specified Dropbox account.
Activity Parameters
The Disconnect from Dropbox activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
All of the input parameters are mandatory.
- Connection (text box editor type): the Dropbox connection, obtained after using a Connect to Dropbox activity.
Download File
This activity downloads the specified Dropbox file.
Activity Parameters
The Download File activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
All of the input parameters are mandatory.
- Destination Folder Path (text box editor type): the path of the folder where you wish to download the file (for example a local path).
- File Path (text box editor type): the full path of the existing file on the Dropbox account, which you wish to download. E.g. /Task Templates/Flowster_MSSQL.sql.
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Output (type: string): outputs the result status. If the item was downloaded successfully then TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
- Output Status (type: boolean): outputs the full path.
Execution: the activity will download the given DropBox file into the given local path:
List Files and Folders
This activity lists all files and folders from the specified Dropbox account.
Activity Parameters
The List Files and Folders activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
All of the input parameters are mandatory.
- Document Type (combo box editor type): the document type which you would like to be listed.
- Parent Folder (combo box control): the full path of the folder from where you want to list all the Sub Items. If left with the default value "", it will list all the items from the Home directory. In our example, the search will be made inside the Task Templates folder.
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Output (type: Collection<Collection<String>>): outputs a collection of Document Type items and their properties.To use the elements of the collection, use a For Each and Get Element From Collection activities.
- Output full paths (type: Collection>String>): outputs a collection of paths found in the parent folder. To use the elements of the collection, use a For Each or a Get Element From Collection activity.
- Output rows count (type: Int32): outputs the number of files and folders found on the specified Dropbox account.
Execution: the activity will output the content of the given folder:
Using For Each and Get Element From Collection activities in order to extract the Types and Items values:
- For Each to extract a Collection of Strings from the main collection:
- Another For Each to extract the items from the second collection:
- Get Element From Collection to extract the items from the second collection:
Using For Each activity in order to extract the Full Paths values:
Using Get Element From Collection activity in order to extract the Full Paths values:
Upload File
This activity uploads a selected file to the specified Dropbox Account.
Activity Parameters
The Upload File activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Destination Folder (text box editor type): the directory on Dropbox where you wish to upload the file. If left blank it will upload the file to the Home directory. E.g. /Folder/SubFolder. In our example, the folder is set to "/Task Templates".
- File Name (text box editor type): the new name of the file you wish to upload. If left empty, it will set the original file name (the name of the file which will be uploaded).
- File Path (text box editor type): the full path of the file that you wish to upload, including file extension.
- Overwrite (combo box control type): specify to Overwrite the file if it already exists in the DropBox location.
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Output (type: string): outputs the Full path of the uploaded file.
Execution: the activity will upload the given local file into the given DropBox location:
The uploaded file can be seen on DropBox: