The uninstaller starts only if the Flowster Studio Web is already installed on PC. It gives the user the opportunity to remove all of the application's.
UAC Enabled
If UAC is enabled on the machine, when starting the EXE, credentials for a privileged user will be required, in order to properly uninstall Administrator (removing deployed files).
In order to uninstall Flowster Portal and Administrator follow the next steps:
- Double click on the Flowster Studio Setup.exe file:
- Select Uninstall and click Next. The Ready to remove dialog is displayed:
- Please note that the Remove local machine related data from the Flowster Studio databases is disabled. That option is only available when uninstalling the main FLOWSTER Studio engine.
- The optional Custom RSAKeys file path is required if the Flowster Studio RestAPI uses custom RSA keys for communication. The keys file will have to be exported from the Flowster Studio Administrator page.
- The option to Unbind Flowster Studio services SSL Certificates is unchecked by default to serve upgrade and reinstallation scenarios so the services don't get the SSL scenarios reset to default/custom. Leave checked if you plan to reinstall on the same machine and with the same communication ports for the Flowster Studio services.
- The option to Remove additional Flowster Studio WebPortal entry from the database is unchecked by default in order to serve upgrade and reinstallation scenarios where some additional settings would have been lost. Leave unchecked if you plan to reinstall on the same machine.
- The Remove additional WebApps options are only enabled when uninstalling an additional deployment that has WebApps installed.
- Click Uninstall.