Flowster Instances
The Configuration Items → Flowster Instances page can be reached by clicking the menu item.
On this page can be defined multiple instances to be used in a workflow’s timestamp staging process (add a workflow together with its dependencies, e.g. global variables , scripts, profiles, snippets linked to the timestamp from a source tenant to a destination tenant).
Default Instance
A default instance is defined during the installation of Flowster Studio (if installed on components – during the installation of first Flowster Studio Engine). The preset values for the instance (which can be customized during installation) are as follows:
- Instance Folder: DefaultFSInstanceFolder
- Instance Name: DefaultFSInstance
- Instance Details: displays the Name, Description, API URL and API Hash information
When staging a workflow timestamp to another tenant(s), information about available tenants and the list of workflow's linked objects (workflow categories, global variables, profiles etc.) is returned by the rest API, thus the API URL should contain the destination tenant RestAPI URL and a RestAPI client app hash. For this purpose, during installation, in addition to the default instance containing the local RestAPI URL, a default rest API client is created and the API Hash is automatically completed into the API Hash field of the default instance. The default instance can be used in the case of staging between two tenants using the same Flowster Engine.
If the user stages a workflow between two tenants using different Flowster Engines, the API URL should be the destination tenant RestAPI URL and the API Hash should be taken from a client app created on the destination tenant for the purpose of staging.
Other Instances
The instances are kept under folders and/or subfolders.
A folder can be defined by clicking the Add New Folder button. The Add Folder window will open:
- Insert a name for the new folder
- Insert a description for the new folder (optional)
- Click Save changes in order to finish creating the new folder
After the folder is created, the Selected Folder Info panel will display information about the folder.
When you right-click on a folder name, the context menu will display several folder specific operations for the created folder.
In order to edit the folder, select the Edit option:
- Edit the name for the folder
- Edit the description for the folder (optional)
A subfolder can be defined by right-clicking the parent folder and then clicking the Add SubFolder button from the context menu.
- Insert a name for the new subfolder
- Insert a description for the new subfolder (optional)
- Click Save changes in order to finish creating the new subfolder
A folder can be deleted from the context menu or from the Remove button in Flowster Instances panel.
An instance can be defined in a folder, by selecting the Add Instance option after right click over the folder. The Add New Instance window will open:
- Insert a name for the instance
- Insert a description for the instance
- Insert the API URL for the instance - API URL refers to the destination tenant RestAPI address
- Insert the API Hash for the instance - API Hash refers to a client app hash from the destination tenant used for rest API calls
- Click Save changes in order to finish adding the new instance
In order to edit the instance details, right-click on the desired instance and click on the Edit button. The Edit Instance window will open allowing you to save changes.
Instances Security
In order to connect to the API URL, credentials are automatically taken from the logged in user on the source tenant.