Sessions View
Go to Administrator → Client Apps and select the desired Portal client app. Go to Sessions Configuration tab to check the current option selected. If the option is "None Selected", the Sessions View icon will be visible for all users in Portal.
There will be displayed a list with all the Portal logged in user sessions, including:
Name (domain\user format): the user which accessed the Portal.
Portal Server: the machine where the Portal was accessed. The machine refers to the IP inserted in the Address Bar (in browser). For example, if the Portal is installed on a machine SERVER1 (IP: and the Portal is accessed from a machine SERVER2 (IP:, but in the Address Bar the IP is inserted, then in the Portal Server column the machine with IP will be displayed.
Starting Date: the date when the session was initiated.
Ending Date: the date when the session was ended. The session will end after 30 minutes since the last call to the service. For example, if the session has started at 10:00 AM, the user operated on Portal for 10 minutes and after that the Portal was closed or just left open (without interaction), the end time will be at 10:40 (10 minutes of activity + 30 minutes of standby).
Status: if the session is currently in progress or not.
Last Active: the last date when the user had interaction with the Portal.
The sessions list can be refreshed by clicking the Refresh button. There can also be performed search operations (there will be displayed anything that contains the inserted text). Navigation through the session’s list pages can be done by clicking the Next/Previous buttons.