/ Dashboard Dashboard

The Reporting → Dashboard page can be reached by clicking the  menu item.

This panel is structured into 4 different areas:

  • Top Workflows
  • Top Users
  • Completed Workflows
  • Remaining Workflows.

Each area can be viewed as Chart or as Grid.

Top Workflows

  • Chart View: there are displayed the executed workflows depending of the number of executions. The number of executions will be displayed from top to bottom:

  • Grid View: the top executed workflows are displayed within a grid with 3 columns:
    • Rank: the order index inside the grid;
    • Workflow Name: the workflow's display name;
    • Count: the number of the executions for a specific workflow.

Top Users

  • Chart View: there are displayed the top executed workflows per user:

  • Grid View: the top executed workflows are displayed within a grid with 3 columns:
    • Rank: the order index inside the grid;
    • User Name: the user's name;
    • Count: the number of the executions for a specific user.

Completed Workflows

  • Chart View: there are displayed the percentage of completed executions. Aborted workflows, for example, will be considered as not completed workflows:


  • Grid View: the top executed workflows are displayed within a grid with 2 columns:
    • Status: only for completed workflows;
    • Percentage: the percentage of completed workflows.

Remaining Workflows

  • Chart View: there are displayed the remaining workflows which can be created or imported in Flowster Studio:

  • Grid View: the remaining workflows are displayed within a grid with 2 columns:
    • Type: remaining and consumed workflows;
    • Count: the amount of operations regarding the remaining and consumed workflows.