Share Dashboard
All users can share a dashboard with other users or user groups (AD user groups and Azure user groups) found in Flowster Studio on the current tenant.
When clicking Share button, a window with all the current user dashboards and all the users, group from current tenant will appear.
Note: If the dashboard has widgets that show data user specific and its shared, each user will see his own values. For example: userX shares a dashboard with the Approval Request widget to userY. UserX and UserY will have different values in the widget because the widget counts the current users own approval request.
Share Dashboard with other users window opened.
select dashboard name
select user to share the dashboard
Click Share
Share Dashboard with groups window opened.
select dashboard name
select group name
Click Share
Dashboard that are shared can be edited only by owner. Users with whom the owner shared the dashboard can only view it. The dashboards shared with current user will have an icon in front as in the image below
A dashboard shared with a user can be copied by selecting it and clicking on Copy dashboard.
When Copy dashboard is clicked a confirmation popup will appear:
If clicked OK, a new dashboard with the same name as the shared one will appear in dashboard list. On this new dashboard user can do all default operations. (example: edit dashboard name and description, add new widgets, edit current widgets, delete widgets, deleted dashboard )