/ Appearance Appearance

The Settings → Appearance page can be reached by clicking the    menu item.

Appearance provides a way in which the user may choose the color in which Administrator  will open.

The Administrator style is fully customizable. The style of Administrator has as a base style, the AdminLTE.css which contains the basic theme style and also the bootstrap styles. Everything can be customized from the Appearance editor.

NOTE:  If the class already exists in AdminLTE or in the bootstrap css styles, the properties can be overwritten using !important tag .

In the Save Changes drop-down list the user can choose between various colors. By default, the selected color is green.

After a color is selected from the Colors drop-down list, the user has to choose between two options: For current user only and For current tenant.

If the first option is chosen, the color theme will be applied only for the current user. If the second option is chosen, the color theme will be applied for all users of the current tenant.

If you have multiple tenants you can set a different color for each of them.

If it has the permission to do so, a tenant's admin user can set its own color, different from the tenant's color and without affecting the color of the other users of the tenant.

No restart is required in order the chosen color to be applied at first, but if an admin user has the Administrator opened and another user changes the color at the tenant level, then the admin user should log in again in order to see the new color.

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