Scheduled Workflows
The Reporting → Scheduled Workflows page can be reached by clicking the menu item.
This page will display all workflows scheduled in Portal.
The grid is structured in 14 columns:
- Category: displays the scheduled workflow's category.
- Workflow Display Name: displays the scheduled workflow's display name.
- Version: displays the scheduled workflow's version.
- Timestamp: displays the scheduled workflow's timestamp.
- Parameters: displays the scheduled workflow's parameters display name.
- Submitted By: displays the user that scheduled the workflow.
- Submitted Time: displays the date and time when the workflow was scheduled.
- Last run time: displays the date and time when the workflow will last executed.
- Next run time: displays the date and time when the workflow will be next executed or the status of the scheduled workflow (deactivated).
- View by all users: displays if all the user with rights over the scheduled workflow will be able to view the schedule in Portal and Administrator.
- Fallback: displays if the Fallback function will be applied (a detailed description can be found below, into the description of the possible changes which can be made on a scheduled workflow).
- Comments: displays the comments possibly made when scheduling the workflow.
- Occurrence: displays the occurrence of the executions for the repetitive scheduled workflows.
- Actions: allows users to edit the input values for parameters and schedule options for the selected workflow or deactivate/activate the scheduled workflows.
The data inside the grid can be filtered by Workflow Display Name (it will display only the scheduled workflows with the given name) and/or by User name (there will be displayed the workflows scheduled by the specified user).
The Refresh button will refresh the content of the scheduled workflows list. There can also be generated a report containing the information from the Scheduled Workflows page by clicking on Generate report button.
To view the parameters of a scheduled workflow, select a scheduled workflow and click on View Parameters button:
The Columns Configuration: the user can configure the columns and sort them.
Edit Scheduled Workflows
Users can edit the input values of the parameters and scheduling configuration for a selected scheduled workflow by clicking on the Edit button. The Start Workflow form will open allowing users to edit input values for parameters and/or scheduling details, including changing a non-repetitive scheduled workflow to a repetitive scheduled workflow and the other way round:
Users can deactivate/activate the scheduled workflow by clicking on / button. A Confirmation message appears, asking if the selected scheduled workflow will be deactivated/activated. Click OK for deactivating/activating the workflow or Cancel for canceling the action
Import/Export Scheduled Workflows
In order to export a single or multiple scheduled workflows, select the desired workflows from the list and click on Export Schedule(s) button. This will save a zip file containing the workflows and workflow's scheduling information.
In order to export all scheduled workflows click on Export All Schedules button. This will save a zip file containing the workflows and workflow's scheduling information.
In order to import a single or multiple scheduled workflows, follow the next steps:
- click on Import Schedule(s) button and select a zip containing scheduled workflows export. After selecting a valid zip file, the Schedule Upload window will open:
- If a zip with multiple scheduled workflows was selected, the import will be done for each scheduled workflow exported (in the example above, the zip file contains two exported scheduled workflows). The name of the scheduled workflow is visible in the title bar. Users can skip the import of a workflow by clicking on Skip current schedule button. This will force the upload to continue with the next scheduled workflow.
- Select a category in which the scheduled workflow will be uploaded in Home→ Overview or click on Assign to existing tab to select an existing workflow that the scheduled workflow will be assigned to:
- Click on Import current schedule to finalize the upload process
- The imported scheduled workflows will be added to the list of scheduled workflows
- If a repetitive workflow is imported and the Start Time expired, the Start Time, after import, will be the initial Next Run Time (based on the initial Start Time). (e.g. If you import a weekly scheduled workflow with the start time in the past (1/1/2021) each Sunday, after import, it should be executed the next Sunday and not immediately)
- If a non repetitive workflow is imported with the Start Time expired, during the import, users have the possibility to change the Start Time and that value will be taken into consideration after import as Next Run Time.
Stop Scheduled Workflows
One or multiple schedule workflows can be stopped by following the next steps:
- select a workflow or multiple workflows
- click the Stop selected workflows button
- A Confirmation message appears, asking if the selected scheduled workflows will be stopped
- Click Yes for stopping the workflow(s) or No for canceling the action
- Click the Stop all workflows button to stop all scheduled workflows