- Connect to GitHub
- Create / Update File
- Delete File
- Download
- Download Repository Archive
- Get Contents
- Get Latest Release
- Get Repository
- Get Single Release
- Search Code
- Search Labels
- Search Repository
Connect to GitHub
This activity connects to GitHub
Activity Parameters
The Connect activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Connect to GitHub and create the GitHub-Connection which is needed for all other GitHub-activities.
- PersonalAccessToken (Password editor type) (type:string)*: the personal access token for the connection to GitHub
(You must have an access token from GitHub for this. You can create the access token via your GitHub account or have one from another GitHub user in order to access the desired GitHub profile.)
- PersonalAccessToken Binding (Text box editor type) (type: string)*: Bind to a variable containing the encrypted personal access token for GitHub. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted token from outside the workflow, for example Flowster Studio Portal.)
The Read-Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- GitHub Connection (Type: object): outputs an GitHub Connection. The GitHub Connection which is needed for all other GitHub activities as input parameter
*Required field
Create / Update File
Creates or updates files in a GitHub repository
Activity Parameters
The Create / Update file activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Author E-Mail (string)*: The email address of the author.
- Author Name (string)*: The name of the author.
- Branch (string → Default: master)*: The name of the branch.
- Commit Message (string)*: The message for the commit.
- Committer Email (string)*: The email address of the commiter.
- Committer Name (string)*: The name of the committer.
- File Content (object): The content oft he file that should be created/updated in the GitHub repository. (use Import File Stream String)
- File Path (string)*: The filename and extension (if using Import File Stream String) or a valid full path of the file to be be created/updated in the GitHub repository. If using a valid full path, the value of the File Content field will be ignored.
- GitHub Connection (object)*: The GitHub AccessToken for the connection to GitHub.
- Repository Name (string)*: The name of the repository.
The Read-Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
Repository JSON Result (Type: object): outputs an Result as a JSON for the queried repository . This parameter should be used as input for all Repository JSON Result parameters used for activities placed under GitHub category
*Required field
Delete File
The Delete File activity deletes a file in a repository.
Activity Parameters
The Delete File activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Author Email (string): The email address of the author.
- Author Name (string): The name of the author.
- Branchname (string → Default: master)*: The name of the branch.
- Committer Email (string): The email address of the commiter.
- Committer Name (string): The name of the committer.
- File Name (object)*: The name of the file you wish to delete.
- File SHA (string): The SHA of the file you wish to delete.
- GitHub Connection (object)*: The GitHub AccessToken for the connection to GitHub.
- Repository Name (string)*: The name of the repository.
- Repository Owner (string)*: Optional -> leave empty if the user is the same one that's used for the connection.
The Read-Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
Success (Type: bool): outputs a bool with the delete result. True -> Successfully deleted! This parameter should be used as input for all Success parameters used for activities placed under GitHub category
*Required field
The Download activity downloads a file/directory from GitHub to a local folder.
Activity Parameters
The Download activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Content Path (string)*: The path of the content you want to download. Can either be a file or directory. E.g. Test.txt
- Download Path (string)*: The download target path. E.g. "C:\Users\Admin\Downloads"
- GitHub Connection (object)*: The GitHub Access Token for the connection to GitHub.
- Repository Name (string)*:The name of the repository. E.g. Flowster
- Repository Owner (string)*: Optional -> leave empty if the user is the same one that's used for the connection. E.g. Flowster_Admin
The Read-Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
Success (Type: bool): Outputs a bool with the delete result. True -> Successfully deleted! This parameter should be used as input for all Success parameters used for activities placed under GitHub category
*Required field
Download Repository Archive
The Download Repository Archive activity downloads the archive of a GitHub repository to a specific directory.
Activity Parameters
The Download Repository Archive activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- GitHub Connection (object)*: The GitHub Access Token for the connection to GitHub.
- Repository Name (string)*: The name of the repository.
- Repository Owner (string)*: The name of the repository owner. Optional -> leave empty if the user ist he same one that´s used fort he connection.
- Target Directory (string)*: The target download directory.
The Read-Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
Success (Type: bool): outputs a bool with the delete result. True -> Successfully deleted! This parameter should be used as input for all Success parameters used for activities placed under GitHub category
*Required field
Get Contents
The Get Contents activity gets the contents of a file or directory as JSON.
Activity Parameters
The Get Contents activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- GitHub Connection (object)*: The GitHub Access Token for the connection to GitHub.
- Path (string)*: The path oft he file or directory you want to get.
- Repository Name (string)*: The name of the repository.
- Repository Owner (string)*: The name of the repository owner. Optional -> leave empty if the user ist he same one that´s used fort he connection.
The Read-Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
Content JSON Result (Type: string): Outputs the JSON string for the queried contents. This parameter should be used as input for all Content JSON Result parameters used for activities placed under GitHub category
*Required field
Get Latest Release
The Get Latest Release activity get the latest release of a GitHub repository as a JSON.
Activity Parameters
The Get Latest Release activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- GitHub Connection (object)*: The GitHub Access Token for the connection to GitHub.
- Repository Name (string)*: The name of the repository.
- Repository Owner (string)*: The name of the repository owner. Optional -> leave empty if the user ist he same one that´s used fort he connection.
The Read-Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
DownloadURL (Type: string): Outputs the downloaded URL for the latest release. This parameter should be used as input for all DownloadURL parameters used for activities placed under GitHub category
Repository JSON Result (Type: string): outputs the JSON for the latest release. This parameter should be used as input for all Repository JSON Result parameters used for activities placed under GitHub category
*Required field
Get Repository
The Get Repository activity gets the porperties of a GitHub repository as a JSON.
Activity Parameters
The Get Repository activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- GitHub Connection (object)*: The GitHub Access Token for the connection to GitHub.
- Repository Name (string)*: The name of the repository.
- Repository Owner (string)*: The name of the repository owner. Optional -> leave empty if the user ist he same one that´s used fort he connection.
The Read-Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
Repository JSON Result (Type: string): outputs an Result as a JSON for the queried repository . This parameter should be used as input for all Repository JSON Result parameters used for activities placed under GitHub category
*Required field
Get Single Release
The Get Single Release activity gets a single release of a GitHub repository as a JSON.
Activity Parameters
The Get Single Release activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- GitHub Connection (object)*: The GitHub Access Token for the connection to GitHub.
- Release Name (string)*: The name of the release.
- Repository Name (string)*: The name of the repository.
- Repository Owner (string)*: The name of the repository owner. Optional -> leave empty if the user ist he same one that´s used fort he connection.
The Read-Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
DownloadURL (Type: string): Outputs the downloaded URL for the latest release. This parameter should be used as input for all DownloadURL parameters used for activities placed under GitHub category
Repository JSON Result (Type: string): outputs the JSON for the latest release. This parameter should be used as input for all Repository JSON Result parameters used for activities placed under GitHub category
*Required field
Search Code
The Search Code activity searches for a code at GitHub.
Activity Parameters
The Search Code activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- GitHub Connection (object)*: The GitHub Access Token for the connection to GitHub.
- Order Ascending (bool): Choose if the search will be ascending or descending. True -> Ascending, False -> Descending
- Search (string)*: The search Value.
- Sort by*: Select sort criteria.
The Read-Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
Search JSON Result (Type: string): outputs JSON string for searched code. This parameter should be used as input for all Search JSON Result parameters used for activities placed under GitHub category
*Required field
Search Labels
The Search Labels activity get the contents of a label of a file or directory as JSON string.
Activity Parameters
The Search Labels activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- GitHub Connection (object)*: The GitHub Access Token for the connection to GitHub.
- Order Ascending (bool): Choose if the search will be ascending or descending. True -> Ascending, False -> Descending
- Repository Name (string)*: The name of the repository.
- Repository Owner (string)*: The name of the repository owner. Optional -> leave empty if the user ist he same one that´s used fort he connection.
- Search Label (string)*: The Label Name you search for.
- Sort by (string from ValueList → possible values: BestMatch, Updated, Created)*: Sort criteria for how to sort the response.
The Read-Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
Search JSON Result (Type: string): outputs JSON string for searched Labels. This parameter should be used as input for all Search JSON Result parameters used for activities placed under GitHub category.
*Required field
Search Repository
The Search Repository activity searches GitHub repository.
Activity Parameters
The Search Repository activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- GitHub Connection (object)*: The GitHub Access Token for the connection to GitHub.
- Order Ascending (bool): Choose if the search will be ascending or descending. True -> Ascending, False -> Descending
- Search (string)*: The value for which to search.
- Sort by (string from ValueList → possible values: BestMatch, Stars, Forks, Updated)*: Sort criteria for how to sort the response.
The Read-Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
Search JSON Result (Type: string): outputs JSON string for searched repositories. This parameter should be used as input for all Search JSON Result parameters used for activities placed under GitHub category
*Required field