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Inbox page provides an overview of the workflows started by the logged in user and are currently being executed (Running) or persisted ( e.g. waiting for approval, waiting for more input or persisted until a given time).

Workflows List

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The set of filters provided may be used to display only the desired workflows. Filters can be mixed, for a more effective display of the running workflows:

  • the Starting Date filter: there will be displayed only workflows started from the selected date and time
  • the Ending Date filter: there will be displayed only workflows started up to and including the date and time
  • the Started By filter: there will be displayed only workflows started by the selected user
  • the Workflow name filter: there will be displayed only workflows with the selected name
  • The Parameters filter: There will be displayed only the workflows that have the parameters searched. The filter can be applied to the parameter name and value. 
  • the Status filter: displays the status of the workflow (Persisted, Persisted Until, Waiting for approval, Waiting for user input)
