To create a Webhook, the customer must choose the webhook option from the dropdown menu;
Fill in the configuration form accordingly to the desired webhook behavior;
The mandatory information for a webhook configuration are:
Webhook Name: The name to be displayed for the webhook
Authentication Type
None Authentication: No Authentication is set for this webhook. This is the least secure configuration available;
Basic Authentication: Username is needed for the workflow Configuration. Uppon selecting this type of Authentication, a search field will be available for the Customer to attribute a user to this workflow. A dropdown list of available users will be available for selection.
The user field will list all the users the current administrator has access to;
Bearer Authentication: Upon Selecting the Bearer Authentication, the credentials field will be populated with an auto generated token that will be used to authenticate when executing the webhook.
Http Method : The Http Methods supported are Get and Post. Depending on the mode selected, the Execution parameters will go on the body or on the header of the request
Content Type : For webhooks the current supported types available are Application/Json
Response behavior :The way the user wants the responce to behave
Response Immediately: The Response is returned as soon as the webhook is triggered, regardless of the workflow execution.
Response when workflow is finished: The webhook waits for the execution of the workflow to finish to return a response. The Output will include output parameters of the workflow if there are any.
Available in the Create Webhook Area is a workflow tree that shows all the available workflows for the current user, witch is also a mandatory information for the webhook configuration. Upon selection, this workflow will be associated with the webhook, and will be the one executing upon trigger of the webhook.
The customer can also search for workflows available from the tree;
After all the configurations have been properly set, the URL, Request Body and Response field will be auto populated with relevant information about the webhook configurations.
URL: The Endpoint available for the request. This will be a unique per webhook. The structure of the url is:
HTTP Method = GET : https://<servername>/api/eventing/<webhook_Guid>/?arg_name=type&arg_name2=type&arg_name3=type
HTTP Method = POST : https://<servername>/api/eventing/<webhook_Guid>
Request Body : A placeholder of the structure of the request body content. This might contain, amongst other possible information, the name of the workflow Arguments and their type.
HTTP Method = GET: the Request body will be empty
HTTP Method = POST: the request body will contain the information to be sent
Response : A placeholder of the structure of the response to be produced after the webhook execution.
Bellow an example of webhook configuration after all configurations set up: