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The CustomIf activity is used to evaluate the result of the expression „Value1<Value2". Value1 and Value2 are input variables of type <Int32>.
- Custom If – True Sequence
If the condition is false, the workflow will continue executing Condition False branch.
Write activity is used to display the condition result.
- Execution result:
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The final state of the workflow displays the status message on the Tracking Data panel. The message status is stored in variable local_FinalStatusText.
In StateMachine sequences, a state of type final does not have an Exit criteria because it does not transition to any other state.
- Execution result:
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- FlowDecision is used next to evaluate the length of InputString.
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Input Parameters:
Output Parameters:
Define variable Collection. By default, the variable Type is <String>.
Change Type of variable Collection to Collection<Object> . Select Browse for Types…option to open Browse for Types… window.
Search the type of the variable in Type Name field. When finished, click OK.
- WriteLine – This activity writes the result at the end of Tracking Data. The results are displayed on separate rows.The first element of the collection is displayed with WriteLine activity. The element is converted to String before it is displayed.
- Write activity is used to display the members of the collection Collection. The results are displayed at the end of the execution on the same row.
- Message Box activity opens a message box during the execution of the workflow. In order to proceed forward with the execution of the workflow, click OK.
- Execution result:
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This workflow triggers WorkflowDemo as a webservice. Fur further more information on how to publish a webservice, check Flowster User Guide - Publish tasks as web service .
WorkflowDemo will be published as a webservice prior to the execution of TriggerWebService_Tutorial.
- TriggerWebservice activity