Versions Compared


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To compare workflows, right click on a workflow's timestamp and choose the the Compare option option.

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The The Compare Workflows window opens. Compares Compares the selected workflows timestamp with the workflow's timestamp selected from the drop-down list situated on the right side. You can choose to see the properties of the timestamp or to see it in the designer mode.

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The differences are presented in a visual format: the rows that are identical are green colored and the rows that have differences are red colored.

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Designer Comparing

The Compare Workflows window allows to display the design of 2 different timestamps, by clicking the Designer option:

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In the left panel is displayed the activities structure for the initial workflow, while in the right panel is displayed the activities structure for a timestamp selected from the drop-down list. There are also displayed the defined Variables and Arguments.

The The Show Properties View toggle  toggle button activates the Properties panel when clicking on an activity, if toggled active, it displays the activity input/output parameters, as seen below. 

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NOTES: if the Properties panel is resized, then when the Show_Properties_View button is toggled inactive, the Designer will keep the resized size of the invisible Property panel, see an example below before and after the resize:

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