/ Workflows Workflows
Workflows tab displays a Workflows tree with categories and workflows.
All information is structured as a tree, in the following order:
- Category name
- Sub-category name (if any defined)
- Workflow display name
- Workflow version
- The timestamp associated to when the workflow was created/imported
- Another timestamp for another workflow with the same display name and version etc.
- Another workflow version
- Another timestamp etc.
- Workflow version
- Another workflow display name
- Workflow version
- The timestamp associated to when the workflow was created/imported
- Another timestamp for another workflow with the same display name and version etc.
- Another workflow version
- Another timestamp etc.
- Workflow version
- Workflow display name
- Sub-category name (if any defined)
- Another Category name
The Workflows tree can be collapsed by category, workflow or version:
IMPORTANT: Categories/workflows can also be managed in Administrator so synchronizing the Workflows tree is advisable by clicking on the Refresh button before every operation in Workflows tab.
, multiple selections available,
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