One of the first actions when using Flowster Designer is to create a a category. A category can contain contain sub-categories. All workflows will be created inside categories/sub-categories. Users can define as many categories and sub-categories as desired. The sub-categories can be defined on multiple levels:
After the installation of Flowster Studio, a default Snippets category is created. This category is is read-only, this means it it cannot be deleted or edited. The The Snippets category category will contain all snippet workflows that will be defined by the user. Please note that only workflows under Snippets category are considered snippet workflows.
Create Category
There are several methods for a user to create a category:
- By right clicking over the categories zone in the the Workflow tab and selecting the Add New Category option.
- By clicking the New Category button from the Create New New Workflow wizard.
- By clicking the New Category button from the the Clone Workflow – Step 1/3 wizard.
- By right-clicking a category in the tree view and selecting the the Add Subcategory option option.
After selecting the method to create a new category, the Category window will be opened.
In order to define a new category, one should follow the next steps:
- Type in a name for the new category
- Type in a description for the new category (this action is optional)
- If desired, one can choose a new icon, different from the default icon, by clicking the Browse Icon button (this action is optional)
- To complete the category creation process, click the OK button
All created categories will be displayed as a tree in the Workflow tab.
Edit Category
The user can modify a category or a sub-category name, description or icon by following the next steps:
- Right click on the desired categorydesired category/sub-category and from the context menu choose the Edit Edit option.
- The Category window will be opened
- Type in a new name for the category/sub-category
- Type in a new description for the category/sub-category
- Browse for a new icon
- Click OK
The categories/sub-categories list should refresh and the user should see the category/sub-category with the new properties.
Delete Category
A category/sub-category can be removed as follows:
- right click on the category and select the Delete option
A pop-up window will be displayed, asking the user to confirm the deletion:
By clicking YES the category/sub-category will be removed from Designer and from database.
NOTE: a category/sub-category cannot be deleted if a child workflow is checked out.