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In order to start the execution of a workflow, click on the   hyperlink matching the workflow row. The Start Workflow form will be loaded, displaying the input parameters and other fields that can be customized for visibility from Administrator (e.g. Comments field), together with the Close and View Summary buttons:


After filling in the input parameters with desired values, click on Image Added hyperlink .

In order to start the execution of the workflow, click on Start Workflow button, after filling in the input parameters with desired values. After the workflow execution is started, the user has the possibility to close the Start Workflow window and check the workflow execution in the Inbox page, or to wait until the execution is finished. In this case, the execution details will be displayed in the same Start Workflow window where the workflow was started from.


If the workflow contains LogTrackData activites, they are displayed in the Info tab from the Start Workflow window. The execution details field will auto refresh by default, but user has the possibility to change it with the Auto Refresh toggle.

Image RemovedImage Added

If the workflow contains WorkflowStep activites, the Input string of each WorkflowStep activity is displayed in the Workflow tab from the Start Workflow window. 

Image RemovedImage Added

  • Info 

In order to view the input parameters of a workflow, click on the  Image Removed  icon matching Image Addedhyperlink matching the workflow row. The Info form will open, displaying the input parameters:

Image RemovedImage Added