The Configuration Items → Local Workflow Logging page can be reached by clicking the menu item.
This page permits the user to select workflows for which local workflow logging files will be saved during workflow execution. This feature is directly related to the configuration for the Execution Agent in Settings → Execution Agents → Local Workflow Logging. If the Local Workflow Logging setting is enabled for an Execution Agent, all workflows selected in the tree will have local logging files created during execution, on the specified path.
Users have multiple options to select / unselect the workflows that will be logged locally.
In order to activate a workflow for local logging, select it from the tree and click on Activate selected button. After the workflow has been activated for logging, it will be marked with (active) after the display name in the tree.
In order to deactivate a workflow for local logging, select it from the tree and click on Deactivate selected button. The workflow will no longer be marked active.
Use Activate/Deactivate all buttons if you want the operation to apply for all workflows in the tree.
NOTE: snippet workflows and Info Elements are excluded from the tree (snippet workflows are excluded because they cannot be executed from Portal, only triggered by other workflows and Info Elements do not have Tracking Data)