Click Add widget.
The SQL Widget button can be seen now and clicked.
When in edit mode the following data is configurable:
Refresh time (in minutes) - after how much time the widget refreshes
SQL connection and command section - contains connection string, command, MogoDB fields
Data Representation - SQL widget accept 4 types of data representation: chart, table, counter and data points
SQL connection and command section
As it can be seen above the username, password, machine and script are read only. They can be edited by clicking Configure SQL Connection button.
Configure SQL Settings window contains:
1. Connection String - you can add the connection string in this field. If you do not know it you can compose it by clicking the Compose button
2. Compose button - by clicking this button a new window will appear
Select the Database type (Access, DSN, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, DB2, MariaDB, MongoDB).
Type in the required data for each database type.
Select an authentication mode: Windows or with Username/Password.
Click OK and return to Configure SQL Connection
Flowster Studio offers the possibility to use multiple databases types, via ODBC connections for the SQL widget, therefore an odbc driver will be needed for each specific database type.
SQL Server – required info:
Hostname / IP Address
Instance name
Database name
Access – required info:
Database full path
DSN – required info:
Database. For example, DB2 ODBC connections can be inserted here or any other ODBC DSN name, for any kind of database.
MySQL – required info:
Hostname / IP Address
Database name
Oracle – required info:
Hostname / IP Address
PostgreSQL– required info:
Hostname / IP Address
Database name
DB2 – required info:
Hostname / IP Address
Database name
MariaDB – required info:
Hostname / IP Address
Database name
MongoDB– required info:
Hostname / IP Address
Database name
3. Test button- by clicking on this button to Test if the connection to the database can be done
Command - add the query to return data in the corresponding format for the data representation type
Run Script button - by clicking this button you can run the script entered. A preview will show.
Save button
Close button
Data representation
There are 4 types of data representations for this widget:
data points
Data representation - Chart
Data representation - Table
Data representation - Counter