- Connect to Office365
- Disconnect from Office365
- Create Calendar
- Create Calendar Group
- Create Contact
- Create Event
- Delete Calendar
- Delete Calendar Group
- Delete Contact
- Delete Message
- Find Calendar
- Find Calendar Group
- Find Contact
- Find Event
- Find Message
- Get Calendar Groups
- Get Calendars
- Get Contacts
- Get Events
- Get Messages
- Reply to Message
- Send Email
- Update Calendar
- Update Contact
- Update Message
Connect to Office365
This activity connects to the specified Office365 account and outputs a Office365 client connection.
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (text box control) (type: string): the Office365 User.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the Office365 username provided.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the Office365. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Studio Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs an Office365 connection. The Ouput of this activity should be used as Input for all Connection parameters used for all activities placed under Office365 category.
Create Calendar
This activity creates a calendar for a specified Office365 Account.
Activity Parameters
The Create Calendar activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Name (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Create Calendar activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Name | Calendar name | System.String |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output calendar | Output the new created calendar Type:CalendarValue | FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.CalendarValue |
Create Calendar Group
Create a calendar group for a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Name | Calendar name | System.String |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output calendar group | Output the new created calendar Group Type:CalendarGroupValue | FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.CalendarGroupValue |
Create Contact
Create a contact for a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
BusinessPhone | Contact BusinessPhone | System.String |
Company Name | Contact CompanyName | System.String |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Department | Contact Department | System.String |
EmailAddress | Contact EmailAddress | System.String |
GivenName | Contact Given Name | System.String |
Job Title | Contact JobTitle | System.String |
MiddleName | Contact MiddleName | System.String |
NickName | Contact NickName | System.String |
OfficeLocation | Contact OfficeLocation | System.String |
Surname | Contact surname | System.String |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output contact | Output the new created contact Type:ContactRequest | FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.ContactRequest |
Create Event
Create an event for a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Content | Event Content | System.String |
Email Address | Event Email Address Organizer | System.String |
End | Event End DateTime | System.String |
Organizer Name | Event Organizer Name | System.String |
Start | Event Start DateTime | System.String |
Subject | Event Subject | System.String |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output event | Output the created event Type:Events | FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.Events |
Delete Calendar
Delete a calendar from a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Input Calendar | Input Calendar Type:CalendarValue | System.Object |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output status | Output operation status Type:bool | System.Boolean |
Delete Calendar Group
Delete a calendar from a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Input Calendar | Input Calendar Type:CalendarValue | System.Object |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output status | Output operation status Type:bool | System.Boolean |
Delete Contact
Delete a contact from a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Input Contact | Input Contact Type:Contact | System.Object |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output Status | Output operation status Type:bool | System.Boolean |
Delete Event
Delete an event from a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Input Event | Input Event Type:Events | System.Object |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output status | Output operation status Type:bool | System.Boolean |
Delete Message
Delete a message from a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Input Message | Input Message Type:Message | System.Object |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output status | Output operation status Type:bool | System.Boolean |
Find Calendar
Find calendar by name for a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Name | Calendar name | System.String |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output Calendar | Output the Calendar found Type:CalendarValue | FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.CalendarValue |
Find Calendar Group
Find calendar by name for a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Name | Calendar name | System.String |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output Calendar Group | Output the Calendar found Type:CalendarGroupValue | FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.CalendarGroupValue |
Find Contact
Find Contact by Email Address
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
ContactEmailAddress | Contact Email address | System.String |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output contact | Output the contact found Type:Contact | FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.Contact |
Find Event
Find event by date for a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Selected Date | Selected Date | System.String |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output event | Output the event found Type: Events | FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.Events |
Find Message
Find last message by Email Address ordered by date time
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Office365 connection | System.Object |
Email Address | Find Last Message by a specified Email Address | System.String |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output Message | Output the Message found Type:Message | FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.Message |
Get Calendar Groups
Get calendar groups for a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output Calendar Groups | Output a list Calendar Groups Type:List | System.Collections.Generic.List`1 [FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.CalendarGroupValue] |
Get Calendars
Get calendars for a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output calendars | Output a list of Calendars Type:List | System.Collections.Generic.List`1 [FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.CalendarValue] |
Get Contacts
Get contacts for a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output contacts | Output a list of contacts Type:List | System.Collections.Generic.List`1 [FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.Contact] |
Get Events
Get events for a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output events | Output a list of Events Type: List | System.Collections.Generic.List`1 [FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.Events] |
Get Messages
Get messages for a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output Messages | Output a list of Messages Type:List | System.Collections.Generic.List`1 [FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.Message] |
Reply To Message
Reply to a message received
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Input message | Input message Type:Message | FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.Message |
Reply Message | Reply message | System.String |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output status of reply | Output reply status true/false | System.Boolean |
Send Email
Send an Office365 Email
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Message | Message | System.String |
Recipients | Recipients with ';' separator | System.String |
Subject | Email subject | System.String |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output status | Output status true/false | System.Boolean |
Update Calendar
Update a calendar for a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Input Calendar | Input Calendar Type:CalendarValue | System.Object |
Calendar name | Calendar name | System.String |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output Calendar | Output the updated Calendar Type:CalendarValue | FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.CalendarValue |
Update Contact
Update a contact for a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
BusinessPhone | Contact BusinessPhone | System.String |
Company Name | Contact CompanyName | System.String |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
Input Contact | Input Contact Type:Contact | System.Object |
Department | Contact Department | System.String |
EmailAddress | Contact EmailAddress | System.String |
GivenName | Contact Given Name | System.String |
Job Title | Contact JobTitle | System.String |
MiddleName | Contact MiddleName | System.String |
MiddleName | Contact NickName | System.String |
OfficeLocation | Contact OfficeLocation | System.String |
Surname | Contact Surname | System.String |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output contact | Output the updated contact. Type:ContactRequest | FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.ContactRequest |
Update Message
Update a message for a specified Office365 Account
Activity Parameters
The Connect to Office365 activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Office365 User (combo box control) (type: string): the authentication method. For SQL Authentication the Username and Password parameters are mandatory.For Windows authentication they are optional.
- Password (password editor type) (type: string): the password for the provided username.
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for the sql server. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encripted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Portal).
As mentioned above, the values for all the required parameters can be provided by IN arguments or variables. Below is an example of predefined arguments, ready to be used by the Connect to MSSQL activity:
The Read Only Output variable are the possible output values that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: object): outputs a SQL connection. The Output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for activities placed under Microsoft SQL category.
| Description | Type |
Connection | Offce365 connection | System.Object |
IsRead | Set if is read or not | System.String |
Message category | Message category | System.String |
Input Message | Set the input message Type:Message | System.Object |
Read-Only Output
| Description | Type |
Output message | Output the updated message Type:Message | FMS.Flowster.ActivityLibrary.Office365.Classes.Message |