Persist Workflow State
The Persist Workflow State activity can be added as many times as needed to save the workflow current progress. It can be used before an activity that reads from a file (e.g. ReadExcelFile). This activity is saving the progress of the workflow and should be used before an error could occur.
The workflows can be resumed, via the Portal or Administrator from the saved state, after the issue was fixed.
The Persistence details and the saved state selection displays the title of the activity which saved the state.
The users can resume the workflows, by clicking on:
State button in Execution Logs
A new window appears, the users must select a saved state and click on Resume Workflow Instance.
s button in Inbox
A new window appears, the users must select a saved state and click on Resume Workflow Instance.
s button in History
A new window appears, the users must select a saved state and click on Resume Workflow Instance.
Also, the users can delete saved state by clicking on:
Delete State button in Execution Logs
d button in Inbox.
Persist Workflow State Until
This activity persists current workflow until given Date/Time.
Activity Parameters
The Persist Workflow State Until activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
Persist Until (DateTimeObject) (text editor type) (type: DateTime): Persist the workflow until the given Date/Time. This parameter takes precedence over the "Persist until (String)" parameter.
Persist Until(String) (text box editor type) (type: string): persist the Workflow until the given Date/Time, the following format should be used: "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"