Inbox page provides an overview of the workflows started by the logged in user and are currently being executed (Running) or persisted ( e.g. waiting for approval, waiting for more input or persisted until a given time).
Workflows List
The set of filters provided may be used to display only the desired workflows. Filters can be mixed, for a more effective display of the running workflows:
- the Starting Date filter: there will be displayed only workflows started from the selected date and time
- the Ending Date filter: there will be displayed only workflows started up to and including the date and time
- the Started By filter: there will be displayed only workflows started by the selected user
- the Workflow name filter: there will be displayed only workflows with the selected name
- the Status filter: displays the status of the workflow (Persisted, Persisted Until, Waiting for approval, Waiting for user input)
Workflow Actions
- Stop workflow - a workflow can be stopped by clicking the hyperlink
- Approve workflow - a pending for approval workflow can be approved by clicking the hyperlink, or it can be denied, by clicking the hyperlink. In case of denial, the user will have the opportunity to insert a comment:
- Approve with values a workflow - a pending for approval with values workflow can be approved by clicking the icon that will open a Resume windows so the user can approve with new values:
- Resume workflow - a persist until workflow or waiting for more user input workflow can be resumed by clicking the hyperlink. If the selected workflow is persisted until, the workflow will be resumed. If the workflow is waiting for more user input, the icon will open a Resume window so the user can resume with new values
- Details - click on hyperlonk to open Details window which will provide workflow information:
If the workflow is pending for approval, a new tab will be visible to allow the user who started the workflow to monitor the approval process:
- Live Tracking - click on hyperlink to open Tracking window. It contains two tabs: Info and Workflow.
- Info - provides general information about the workflow and displays live tracking data for each LogTrackData activity used in the workflow logic:
- Workflow - provides a graph representing the execution status overview. The Workflow tab is visible only for workflows using Workflow Step activities, each Workflow Step activity representing a node in the graph: