

The uninstaller starts only if the application is already installed on the computer. It will remove the application files, registry entries, services and shortcuts. The databases will not be removed.
UAC Enabled
If UAC is enabled on the machine, when starting the EXE, credentials for a privileged user will be required, in order to properly uninstall Administrator (removing deployed files).

In order to uninstall Flowster Studio, follow the next steps:

  • Double click on the Flowster Studio Setup.exe file.
  • The Maintenance options dialog is displayed, where the user has the option to Change the current deployment (add/remove features and change specific settings. Details about this option will be provided in its dedicated chapter) or Uninstall. Select Uninstall and click Next.

  • By default, when uninstalling the main FLOWSTER Studio engine, all local machine endpoints are kept in the database. The reason behind it is that in case of having to reinstall (on the same machine), it would be an easier navigation through the UI dialogs, since almost everything will be prefilled with the values found in the database.
  • However, starting with FLOWSTER Studio 5.2, the installer has the possibility to remove all references to the current machine when uninstalling it by ticking the Remove local machine related data from the Flowster Studio databases checkbox. This should be done exclusively for cases where the main engine is planned to be moved to another server. Removing the current machine data will result in the user having to reenter all service details (ports, names, etc) when re-installing (be it on the same system or another one).
  • The option to Unbind Flowster Studio services SSL Certificates is unchecked by default to serve upgrade and reinstallation scenarios so the services don't get the SSL scenarios reset to default/custom.
  • The Remove additional WebPortal/WebApps options are only enabled when uninstalling an additional deployment that has WebPortal/WebApps installed.
  • To remove Flowster Studio, click Uninstall.
  • Please remember that the uninstallation will not remove the Flowster Studio databases.