Certificate Management
- Connect To Certificate Management
- Create a MIM CM request
- Disconnect From CM
- Get Certificates
- Get Certificate Data
- Get Certificates By Smart Card Id
- Get profile templates
- Get Smartcard Policy
- Get All Smart Cards
Connect To Certificate Management
Activity Parameters
The Connect To Certificate Management activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- CM Hostname (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the hostname for the CM API, ex. 'api.contoso.com'
- Password (text box editor type) (type: string):enter the password
- Password Binding (text box editor type) (type: string): bind to a variable containing the encrypted password for connection. (This parameter is used only when the user wants to send an encrypted password from outside the task, for example Flowster Studio Portal)
- Use Secure (combo box control) (type: boolean): choose whether to use secure communication ('https') or standard ('http')
- Username (text box editor type) (type: string): enter the username
The Read Only Output variable is the possible output value that the activity will provide:
- Connection (type: string):outputs the PAM connection. The output of this activity should be used as input for all Connection parameters used for all activities placed under PAM category.
Create a MIM CM request
Activity Parameters
The Create a MIM CM request activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Comment (text box editor type) (type: string): enter a comment. The workflow policy will define whether this is necessary. An empty string can be specified.
- Connection (text box editor type) (type: string): it is a CM connection. The output from Connect To CM activity should be used as Input for this parameter.
- Profile Template uuid (text box editor type) (type: string): the GUID of the profile template that the user is creating the request for. This GUID is returned by Get Profile Templates.
- Type (text box editor type) (type: string): the type of request that is being created. Available request types are: Enroll, Duplicate, OfflineUnblock, OnlineUpdate, Renew, Recover, RecoverOnBehalf, Reinstate, Retire, Revoke, TemporaryCards and Unblock. Note: not all types of request are supported on all profile templates. For example, you can't specify an unblock operation on a software profile template.
The Read Only Output variable is the possible output value that the activity will provide:
- Output (type: string): outputs the operation status code.
Disconnect From CM
Activity Parameters
The Disconnect From CM activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Connection (text box editor type) (type: string): it is a CM connection. The output from Connect To CM activity should be used as Input for this parameter.
Get Certificates
Activity Parameters
The Get Certificates activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Connection (text box editor type) (type: string): it is a CM connection. The output from Connect To CM activity should be used as Input for this parameter.
The Read Only Output variable is the possible output value that the activity will provide:
- Output (type: string): outputs a dictionary containing the following informations as keys: ArchivedOnCa (a boolean value that indicates if the certificate is archived on the certification authority), Certificate Type (the type of the certificate), IsKeyHistory (a boolean value that indicates the certificate is a key history certificate), Issuer (the issuer), NotAfter (the date and time after which the certificate is no longer valid), NotBefore (the date and time at which the certificate becomes valid), RequesterName (the account that requested the certificate), SerialNumber (the certificate's serial number), Status (the status of the certificate), TemplateCommonName (the certificate template common name for the certificate), Thumbprint (the certificate's thumbprint).
Get Certificate Data
Activity Parameters
The Get Certificate Data activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Connection (text box editor type) (type: string): it is a CM connection. The output from Connect To CM activity should be used as Input for this parameter.
- Policy ID (text box editor type) (type: string): takes the GUID corresponding to the profile template that the policy is to be extracted from. In order to get this ID you can use the GetProfileTemplate activity.
The Read Only Output variable is the possible output value that the activity will provide:
- Output (type: string): outputs a dictionary containing the following informations as keys: CertificateId, Error (any error that was encountered when processing the certificate request), Flags (the flags that describe the certificate), IsExternal (a boolean value that indicates if the certificate is an external certificate), isKeyHistory (a boolean value that indicates if the certificate is a key history certificate), isPfx (a boolean value that indicates if the certificate request response is in PFX format), isPkcs7 (A Boolean value that indicates if the certificate request response is in PKCS#7 format), isServerGenerated (A Boolean value that indicates if the certificate was generated by a server), Pfx (The PFX certificate blob), Pkcs7 (The PKCS#7 certificate blob), TemplateCommonName (The certificate template common name for the certificate), UseLocalMachineStore (A Boolean value that indicates if the certificate is for the local computer certificate store).
Get Certificates By Smart Card Id
Activity Parameters
The Get Certificates By Smart Card Id activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Connection (text box editor type) (type: string): it is a CM connection. The output from Connect To CM activity should be used as Input for this parameter.
- SmartCard ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the SmartCard ID as denoted by MIM CM. E.g. 'xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx', you can use the activity GetSmartCards in order to get this ID.
The Read Only Output variable is the possible output value that the activity will provide:
- Output (type: string): outputs a dictionary containing the following informations as keys: CertificateId, Error (any error that was encountered when processing the certificate request), Flags (the flags that describe the certificate), IsExternal (a boolean value that indicates if the certificate is an external certificate), isKeyHistory (a boolean value that indicates if the certificate is a key history certificate), isPfx (a boolean value that indicates if the certificate request response is in PFX format), isPkcs7 (A Boolean value that indicates if the certificate request response is in PKCS#7 format), isServerGenerated (A Boolean value that indicates if the certificate was generated by a server), Pfx (The PFX certificate blob), Pkcs7 (The PKCS#7 certificate blob), TemplateCommonName (The certificate template common name for the certificate), UseLocalMachineStore (A Boolean value that indicates if the certificate is for the local computer certificate store).
Get profile templates
Activity Parameters
The Get profile templates activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Connection (text box editor type) (type: string): it is a CM connection. The output from Connect To CM activity should be used as Input for this parameter.
The Read Only Output variable is the possible output value that the activity will provide:
- Output (type: string): outputs a dictionary containing the following informations as keys: Name (The display name of the profile template), Description (The description for the profile template), Uuid (The identifier for the profile template), IsSmartcardProfileTemplate (Indicates whether the template is a smart card profile template), IsVirtualSmartcardProfileTemplate (Indicates whether the profile template requires a virtual smart card).
Get Smartcard Policy
Activity Parameters
The Get Smartcard Policy activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Connection (text box editor type) (type: string): it is a CM connection. The output from Connect To CM activity should be used as Input for this parameter.
- Policy ID (text box editor type) (type: string): the GUID corresponding to the profile template that the policy is to be extracted from. In order to get this ID you can use GetProfileTemplate activity.
- Type (text box editor type) (type: string): the type of policy being requested. Possible values are: Enroll, Duplicate, OfflineUnblock, OnlineUpdate, Renew, Recover, RecoverOnBehalf, Reinstate, Retire, Revoke, TemporaryEnroll, Unblock.
The Read Only Output variable is the possible output value that the activity will provide:
- Output (type: string): outputs a dictionary containing the following informations as keys: ApprovalsNeeded (The number of approvals that are required for FIM CM requests for the policy), AuthorizedApprover (The security descriptor for users who are authorized to approve FIM CM requests for the policy), AuthorizedEnrollmentAgent (The security descriptor for users who can act as enrollment agents for the policy), AuthorizedInitiator (The security descriptor for users who can initiate FIM CM requests for the policy), CollectComments (A Boolean value that indicates if comment collection is enabled for FIM CM requests for the policy), CollectRequestPriority (A Boolean value that indicates if request priority collection is enabled for FIM CM requests for the policy), DefaultRequestPriority (The default priority for FIM CM requests for the policy), Documents (The policy documents that are configured for the policy), Enabled (A Boolean value that indicates if the policy is enabled), EnrollAgentRequired (A Boolean value that indicates if enrollment agents are required for FIM CM requests for the policy), OneTimePasswordPolicy (Gets how one-time passwords for FIM CM requests for the policy are distributed), Personalization (The smart card personalization options for the policy), PolicyDataCollection (The data collection items that are associated with the policy), SelfServiceEnabled (A Boolean value that indicates if self-service initiation of FIM CM requests is enabled for the policy).
Get All Smart Cards
Activity Parameters
The Get All Smart Cards activity parameters can be provided by manual inserted values or via IN arguments or variables:
- Connection (text box editor type) (type: string): it is a CM connection. The output from Connect To CM activity should be used as Input for this parameter.
The Read Only Output variable is the possible output value that the activity will provide:
- Output (type: string): outputs a dictionary containing the following informations as keys: AssignedUserUuid (The identifier of the user to whom the smart card is assigned), Atr (The smart card answer-to-reset (ATR) string for the card that is currently being initialized), Comment (The comment that describes the smart card), Flags (The flags that describe the smart card), Middleware (The middleware for the smart card), ParentSmartcardUuid (The identifier of the old smart card that the smart card has replaced), PermanentSmartcardUuid (The identifier of the permanent smart card that is associated with the smart card), PrimarySmartcardUuid (The identifier of the primary smart card), ProfileTemplateUuid (The identifier of the profile template that contains the policies and settings that govern the smart card), ProfileTemplateVersion (The version of the profile template at the time that the smart card profile was created), SerialNumber (The smart card's serial number), Status (The status of the smart card), Uuid (The smart card profile's identifier).