/ Edit Parameters Edit Parameters

 The workflow parameters can have their initial configuration modified according to the user's needs. In order to do that, select a workflow timestamp with at least one input workflow parameter defined, go to Parameters tab and click on Edit parameters:

 The * Required shows the users which parameters are required in the workflow.

 The Edit parameters window will be opened allowing the user to configure the input parameters (workflow and virtual parameters can be configured here):

The Edit Parameters window consists in 3 sections:

Parameter Groups - By default, when creating a new workflow all input parameters will be displayed in the Unassigned group. Users can define Parameter Groups to organize parameters with the same scope in one group

Parameters - The parameters' position can be changed using drag and drop up and down the list. In order to edit a parameter the user must first select it. In its initial state, a parameter is provided with a display name that is identical to the parameter's name; the field is marked as mandatory

Selected Parameter Configuration - Parameter types and options can be configured in this area

Valid Parameter Type/Type Configuration matches:

Date Picker →  accepts DateTime & String types

CheckBox →  accepts Boolean & String types

ComboBox/ListView →  accepts String (for single selection) & String[] (for multiple selection) types 

VMware Host Picker →  accepts String[] type

Grid → accepts Collection<Collection<String>> type

Objects Selector →  accepts String (for single selection) & String[] (for multiple selection) types

Other Parameter Type Configuration  → accepts String type

If an incorrect configuration type is selected for a parameter (for example for a parameter of type String, the Grid configuration cannot be selected because it requires Collection<Collection<String>> type) a validation error will be thrown when trying to save the new configuration:

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