Custom Activity Library
Custom Activity Library tab contains 2 buttons: Import Activity Library and Import Activity Library Reference.
A user can import its own custom libraries (dlls with custom build activities) and use the custom activities into Flowster designed workflows.
The first step is to import the reference dll, by clicking the Import Activity Library Reference button. Select the CustomALCommon.dll that can be provided by Flowster Studio, or a custom made one. The CustomALCommon.dll can also be customized by the user.
When importing the reference, there will automatically create a Custom folder into the Flowster Studio installation path:
- Administrator\Activity Library folder
- Execution Agent\Activity Library folder
Custom activities libraries can be imported by clicking the Import Activity Library button. There can be selected custom dlls developed by the user.
After the import operation, a new folder, named Custom, can be viewed in the activities tree, where custom built activities can be viewed:
Custom activities can be used as any other Flowster one.